The Five Year Plans


Izzy Noone
FlashCards por Izzy Noone, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Izzy Noone
Criado por Izzy Noone quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
When was the first Five Year Plan approved? Apri 1929 but backdated to 1928
What was actual production for coal in the 1927 to 1928 period? 35.4 million tonnes
What was target production for coal in the 1927-1928 period 75 million tonnes
What was actual production for oil in the 1927-28 period? 11.7 million tonnes
What was target production for oil in the 1927-28 period? 22
What did the plans focus on? Heavy industry
How much did they want to increase production by? 300%
What did development focus on? Coal Iron Steel Machinery
How much did they want electricity production to increase by? 600%
How much time did the first five year plan take according to Stalin? Four years but targets were not actually met
Why did the first five year plan fail to achieve targets? Not enough skilled workers Not enough central coordination Smaller industrial works and workshops failed to keep up in completion targets in comparison to larger factories
What did the second Five Year Plan give more attention to? Consumer goods
Give the dates for the second Five Year Plan. 1933-1937
When were the "three good years"? 1934-1936
When was the Moscow Metro opened? 1935
When was the Volga Canal opened? 1937
What happened to electricity production and the chemical industries? They grew rapidly
What happened by 1937? The Soviet Union was virtually self-sufficient in metal goods and machine tools
How did the focus of the plan change in 1936? It focused more on rearmament
What percentage of GDP was rearmament spending in 1937? 1937 (from 4% of GDP in 1933)
Did oil production meet its target? No
Was there any considerable increase in consumer good production? No- despite some expansion in footwear and consumer goods.
When was the third Five Year Plan? 1938-42
What did the third Five Year Plan focus on? Focused on the needs of the defence sector because of the threat of Nazi Germany to the USSR. The plan was disrupted by 1941 because of the approach of war.
What were the aims? Renewed emphasis on the development of heavy industry Promote rapid rearmament Complete the transition to Communism
How much did spending increase between 1938 and 1940? It doubled
What happened to steel production? It stagnated
What was the biggest problem during the third Five Year Plan? Not enough managers, specialists or technicians because of Stalin's purges.
What other problems were there at this time? Hard Winter in 1938 Plan was disrupted and finished early because of the German invasion of 1941
Who were the Stakhanovites? A movement that emerged after Aleksei Stakhanov, a coal miner in the Don Basin, cut an extraordinary 102 tonnes of coal with his pneumatic pick in 5 hours and 45 minutes. That amount of coal was expected to take 14x as long to collect.
What happened to Aleksei? He received rewards and medals and competitions were created to emulate him
What could happen to managers if they failed to meet their targets? They could be accused of "wrecking", put on trial, imprisoned and executed.
By 1935, what percentage of women constituted the workforce? 42%


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