Quiz #2 US GOV


11th grade U.S. Government Honors FlashCards sobre Quiz #2 US GOV, criado por J N em 18-09-2017.
FlashCards por J N, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por J N mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
what ancient people were responsible for creating the first democratic state? the Greeks
What ancient people were responsible for creating the first republic? The Romans
Which gov't best describes the government of the United States based on how its power is centralized and/or spread out geographically? Federal
Which gov't best describes the government of the United States based on the relationship between its executive and legislative branches? Presidential
Which gov't best describes the government of the United States based on how many people may participate in its government? Constitutional Republic
Which gov't has by definition the weakest national government? Confederate
In which gov't is the power to govern divided more equally between several State gov'ts and a single national gov't? federal
In which gov't is governing power more likely centralized into a single national government where all the decisions for the state are made? Unitary
Which gov't would probably be best at getting the entire nation to cooperate and pool their resources together? Unitary
What is the chief executive called in a presidential government President
What is the chief executive called in a parliamentary government? Prime minister
Who picks the chief executive in a parliamentary government? Legislature
In which gov't is the chief executive chosen from the members of the legislative branch? Parliamentary
Who picks the chief executive in a presidential government? Electors/people
In which gov't are the law makers and those who enforce the law separate and independent groups? Presidential
In which economic system is protection of property rights the primary function of the government? Free Market Economy
In which economic system is income re-distribution the primary function of the government? Command Economy
Competition among producers and consumers ensures higher quality products and lower priced goods and services, and is a key feature of what economic system? Free Market Economy
Which economists argued that the power of government should be used to help stimulate and revive a slow economy? John Maynard Keynes / Karl Marx
Which economists argued that government intervention into the economy to help the poor often makes things worse for everyone? F.A. Hayek / Adam Smith


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