Chapter 10: Blended Competencies, Clinical Reasoning, and Processes of Person-Centered Care Vocabulary


UNIT III: Person-Centered Care and the Nursing Process Chapter 10: Blended Competencies, Clinical Reasoning, and Processes of Person-Centered Care
Alexandra Bozan
FlashCards por Alexandra Bozan, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alexandra Bozan
Criado por Alexandra Bozan quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
assess to systematically and continuously collect, validate, and communicate patient data
blended competencies the set of intellectual, interpersonal, technical, and ethical/legal capacities needed to practice professional nursing
clinical judgement refers to the result (outcome) of critical thinking or clinical reasoning; the conclusion, decision, or opinion a nurse makes
clinical reasoning a specific term usually referring to ways of thinking about patient care issues (determining, preventing, and managing patient problems); for reasoning about other clinical issues (e.g., teamwork, collaboration, and streamlining work flow); nurses usually use critical thinking
critical thinking thought that is disciplined, comprehensive, based on intellectual standards, and, as a result, well-reasoned; a systematic way to form and shape one's thinking that functions purposefully and exactingly
critical thinking indicators evidence-based descriptions of behaviors that demonstrate the knowledge, characteristics, and skills that promote critical thinking in clinical practice
standards for critical thinking clear, precise, specific, accurate, relevant, plausible, consistent, logical, deep, broad, complete, significant, adequate for the purpose, and fair
method of critical thinking 1. identify goal of thinking 2. assess adequacy of knowledge 3. address potential problems 4. consult helpful resources 5. critique judgment/decision
QSEN The overall goal of the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) project is to meet the challenge of preparing future nurses who will have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) necessary to continuously improve the quality and safety of the health care systems w/in which they work
5 rights of clinical reasoning 1. Ability to collect the right cues 2. and take the right action 3. for the right patient 4. at the right time 5. and for the right reason
Trial-and-error problem solving involves testing any number of solutions until one is found that works for that particular problem. This method isn't efficient for the nurse and can be dangerous to the patient
Scientific problem solving A systematic, 7 step process that involves: 1: problem identification, 2: data collection 3: hypothesis formulation, 4: plan of action, 5: hypothesis testing, 6: interpretation of results, 7: evaluation, resulting in conclusion or revision of hypothesis
Intuitive problem solving a direct understanding of a situation based on a background of experience, knowledge, and skill that makes expert decision making possible
creative thinking involves imagination, intuition, and spontaneity, factors that underpin the art of nursing
steps of nursing process 1. assessment 2. diagnosis 3. outcome identification / planning 4. implementation 5. evaluation
nursing process: assessing collection, validation, and communication of patient data
nursing process: diagnosing analysis of patient data to identify patient strengths and health problems that independent nursing intervention can prevent or resolve
nursing process: outcome identification and planning specification of (1) patient outcomes to prevent, reduce, or resolve the problems identified in the nursing diagnoses; and (2) related nursing intervention
nursing process: implementing carrying out the plan of care
nursing process: evaluating measuring the extent to which the patient has achieved the outcomes specified in the plan of care; identifying factors that positively or negatively influenced outcome achievement; revising the plan of care if necessary
NANDA North American Nursing Diagnosis Association: focus on diagnoses
NIC Nursing Interventions Classification: focus on interventions
NOC Nursing-Sensitive Outcomes Classification: focus on outcomes
Characteristics of the Nursing Process Systematic, Dynamic, Interpersonal, Outcome Oriented, Universally Applicable in Nursing Situations
concept mapping is an instructional strategy in which learners identify, graphically display, and link key concepts
reflective practice looking at an event, understanding it, and learning from it
reflection in action happens in the here and now of the activity and is also known as "thinking on your feet"
reflection on action occurs after the fact and involves thinking through a situation that has occurred in the past
reflection for action the desired outcome of the first two types of reflection, and helps the person to think about who future actions might change as a result of the reflection
Steps in concept map care planning 1. Develop a basic skeleton diagram 2. Analyze and categorize data 3. Analyze nursing diagnoses relationships 4. Identify goals, outcomes, and interventions 5. Evaluate patient responses


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