General English Language Knowledge Questions!


FlashCards sobre General English Language Knowledge Questions!, criado por Tullia em 23-05-2013.
FlashCards por Tullia, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Tullia aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are the sentence types when analysing a text in terms of grammar? Imperatives, declaritives, directives, exclamitives, interrogatives
What is orthography a reference to? The spelling of words. It can be used to highlight language change.
List some general factors that may cause language change. Technology, geographical variation, social variation, individual variation.
What is a hyperbole? An over exaggeration of something to make it sound better, worse or more drastic than it really was/is.
Using an example, explain the difference between a hypernym and a hyponym? A hypernym is the general umbrealle term (e.g dog or tree) and a hyponym is everything this encooperates (e.g pug, retriever or beech, oak)
In spoken language, give examples of non-fluency features. Hedging, fillers, false starts, repairs, pauses.
When analysing in terms of phonology, what will you be making refernces too? Patterning, alliteration, sibilance, assonance, onomatopoeia, stress, intonation, pausing, non fluency features, fricitives, plosives.
What is the meaning of archaic? Words that are no longer in use but still exist.
When was the printing press invented and who was it invented by? William Caxton in 1476
Who published the first dictionary and when? Dr Samuel Johnson in the 18th century.
When did the Great Vowel Shift occur? 1350-1700
What is a prescriptivist attitude? That language is becoming more informal and thus decaying.
Name and describe one of Aitchinson's theories. Damp spoon, cuckoos nest etc.
In the modern day, approximatley how many people speak English either as a first or learnt language? 1.5 billion
What is the oldest recorded text of the English language? Beowulf


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