Rome - Flash Cards


Roman Flash Cards
Tanmay Garg
FlashCards por Tanmay Garg, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Tanmay Garg
Criado por Tanmay Garg quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
How did Rome's geographic features help the civilization grow? Tiber River: Acted as a natural barrier, provided fresh water to drink and farm. Mediterranean Sea: Acted as a natural barrier, provided water to the Tiber River. Mountains: Acted as a natural barrier, made it hard for invaders to make it into Rome. Climate: Helped the Romans farm and grow good crops, didn't cause any trouble for the Romans.
What impact did the roads and bridges have on Rome's development? They allowed the Roman Military to pass and conquer many different territories and areas and allowed traders to trade throughout Rome.
What is a republic? Why did Rome create a republic? A republic is where people vote to elect their leaders for a short period of time, to prevent them from getting too powerful. Rome decided to create a republic to prevent leaders from getting too powerful and allowed each person to have a say on their political and local ideas.
Describe how powers were divided between the different branches - Consuls, the Senate and Assembly. Consul was the highest position in the Roman Republic, where two consuls were elected to carry out certain decisions and laws. There were two consuls because if one wanted to propose a law or bill, then the second one can stop/discuss it. The Senate was a group of patricians that had to decide whether to pass or veto a law or right. The Assembly was a group of Plebeians that had a say in the government and could accept or veto laws.
How was the Roman Republic similar to the U.S. Government? They both elect their leaders for a certain period of time. They both have separation of powers, which prevented any leader from getting too powerful.
Explain what the Twelve Tables were and why they were so important. The Twelve Tables were laws that were written publicly, so no one could bend it or change it, and they were important because they showed all the rules that Patricians and Plebeians had to follow in order to maintain order.
Who fought in the Punic Wars? Why were there three wars? Carthage and Rome fought in these wars. There were three wars because, in the first war, Carthage thought Rome had become too powerful and pose a threat to them, so they issued a war against them.
What territory did Rome gain to the result of the Punic Wars? That battle was won by Rome, who took the islands and claim over the Mediterranean Seas trade routes, etc, where the Carthaginian ships used to travel. The second war was close, where Rome was almost defeated, but still grasped victory and won West Mediterranean, and almost whole entire Spain. In the third war, Rome emerged victorious again, and had control over all the lands surrounding it, including Carthage.
Describe Julius Caesar's military success. He was a skilled military leader and a great tactician, who won almost every battle he faced and created fear to all the other leaders/people of neighboring civilizations.
Why was he such a popular leader amongst most Roman citizens? He was a generous leader, who cared about his citizens and tried to help the poor people by giving them grain and land, where the Plebeians and some of the Senate loved him.
Why was Caesar ultimately killed by the Senate? They believed Julius was getting too much power, as he proclaimed himself dictator for life, and gave himself the name Imperator, which meant emperor, so a small group of Senators decided to group up and kill him.
How did Caesar end up changing the Roman Republic? He changed the Roman Republic by proclaiming himself dictator for life, where he had absolute power over everything in Rome, which disagreed with separations of power, which ended up changing the republic.


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