Chapter 7


FlashCards sobre Chapter 7, criado por vikkimatthews em 26-05-2013.
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Chapter 7 Fundamental Attribution Error People's tendency when explaining the behaviour of others to attribute internal causes(the kind of person they are) rather than external factors. Tendency reverses when considering own behaviour. More a bias than an error. Storms-Found people explained behaviour their behaviour in situational terms when describing from memory. Describing behaviour on video it then switches to dispositional(like describing another) Important in understanding social cognition.
Chapter 7 Attribution Error Theory that explains the processes involved in attributing causes to the behaviour of others & ourselves. Heider-when we make judgements of people's actions/behaviour we look for causes either within the person (internal) or the environment (external). Important in understanding social cognition.
Chapter 7 Schema A mental structure that contains knowledge relating to a particular kind of object. In social psychology these are based on social objects like people,situations,activities and issues. Different tyoes of schema;role, person & event. Bartlett-Used schema to explain why people mis-remember things. English people retelling an American Native story becomes recognisably more British. Important as helps understand social perception.
Chapter 7 Stereotype Mental representation of a person that over-generalises them, making them more like a 'typical'memeber of a certain social group than they actually are. Emphasis on characteristic of the category we have put them in that them as individuals. Tajfel-Boys over=emphasised similarities within their in-group & exaggerated differences with their out-group. Important as helps understand cognitive processes.
Chapter 7 Self-Serving Bias Information processing bias which serves the perceivers interests in some way. Tendency to attribute internal factors to success & external factors to failures. Lau & Russell-Content analysis of success/failure of sports events found greater tendency to attribute wins to internal factors. Important to understanding of social processing & bias forming.


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