Vocabulary Unit 4 Word List


6th Grade 6th Grade ELA (Unit 4) FlashCards sobre Vocabulary Unit 4 Word List, criado por Brandon Andersen em 23-10-2017.
Brandon Andersen
FlashCards por Brandon Andersen, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Brandon Andersen
Criado por Brandon Andersen quase 7 anos atrás

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Campaign (noun) A series of operations to accomplish a goal.
Drastic (adj) Extreme, severe.
Elaborate (adj) Worked out with great care and attention to detail.
Inevitable (adj) Unavoidable and necessary.
Loathe (verb) To feel intense hate for.
Predicament (noun) A difficult situation.
Provoke (verb) To enrage or stir up.
Retaliate (verb) To get even; to do something to get revenge.
Sanctuary (noun) A sacred or holy place. A safe place.
Subsequent (adj) Following in order; next.
Treacherous (adj) Not to be trusted; dishonest. Dangerous or hazardous.
Vow (verb) To promise or pledge.
Siege (noun) A long fight; especially the surrounding of a city.
Collide (verb) To crash into.
Consequence (noun) The outcome, result or effect.


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