Economic Analysis


PT 561 Evidence Based Practice FlashCards sobre Economic Analysis, criado por Mia Li em 08-11-2017.
Mia Li
FlashCards por Mia Li, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Mia Li
Criado por Mia Li quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
T/F: Quality is always directly correlated with cost. F. Point of maximal quality and it starts to decrease.
What are the three types of economic analysis? 1. Cost minimization 2. Cost effectiveness 3. Cost benefit
Cost minimization study compares the cost of two interventions of the same _________. Benefit
Cost effectiveness studies compare the cost of two interventions with ________ benefits. Different benefits
The benefit is measured in terms of _________. 1. lives saved 2. number not hurt 3. persons able to live at home
Cost utility is the outcomes in terms of _____________. Quality adjusted life years
Cost benefit studies compare costs and benefits in terms of ________. Dollars
Quality-adjusted life year is _________. 1 year of perfect health
To measure QALY, 0 means _____, 100 means _______. 0 means dead. 100 means perfect health
EQ5D is a measure of _______. quality of life
ICER stands for ____________. Incremental cost effectiveness ratio
ICER is calculated by __________. [difference in cost] / [difference in QALY ] x year
T/F: Costs is measured by how much the society spends on the intervention. F. Cost of individual, cost of organization, cost of society.
Special analysis in CEA studies: 1. Cost-effectiveness analysis planes 2. Cost-effective analysis curves (willingness to pay)
The cost-effective analysis plane is also called the ________. Monte Carlo plane/ bootstrapping plane
Tornado plots demonstrates which estimates contribute most to the ________. Variability
Two axes on Monte-Carlo plane x-axis: QALY y-axis: cost
Two essential applicability questions to ask for economic analysis studies are: 1. Could my patient expect similar results compared to those in the study? 2. Would my patients expect similar costs compared to those in the study?
Internal vailidy questions on economic analysis: 1. Did the research question clearly and accurately define the _____ compared? 2. Was the ______ of the analysis defined? (individual, societal, organizational) 3. Were the important and relevant __________ identified? 4. Were the ______ properly measured and valued? 5. Was appropriate allowance made for uncertainties in the evaluation by including a ___________ incorporating clinically sensitive variations in important variables? 1. Did the research question clearly and accurately define the [OPTIONS] compared? 2. Was the [PERSPECTIVE] of the analysis defined? (individual, societal, organizational) 3. Were the important and relevant [HEALTH OUTCOMES] identified? 4. Were the [COSTS] properly measured and valued? 5. Was appropriate allowance made for uncertainties in the evaluation by including a [SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS] incorporating clinically sensitive variations in important variables?
Interpret the willingness to pay graph with given society. Draw a straight line up. The higher cost-effectiveness is the better choice.


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