Expressões em inglês #4


English Expressions - Expressões em inglês
Eduardo .
FlashCards por Eduardo ., atualizado more than 1 year ago
Eduardo .
Criado por Eduardo . aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
make yourself at home fique a vontade *May I come in? Sure, make yourself at home.
mind you e olha que... *We had a really nice holiday. Mind you the weather was terrible.
all in good time tudo a seu tempo *Be patient, you'll hear the result all in good time.
so to speak por assim dizer *In that relationship it's very much Lorna who wears the trousers, so to speak
in a way de certo modo, de alguma maneira *In a way, this reminded me of my own french instructions.
as soon as Assim que, tão logo *As soon as I could make out some of the meaning..
yet to me Quanto a mim *I didn´t think of that hard times. That ones were very hard times. Yet to me that country was beautiful.
as is so often como tantas vezes, como várias vezes *As is so often, I tried to push myself hard.
fed up with Estar cansado de *I’m fed up with you!
not at all De jeito nenhum *I don’t feel like going at all
to whom it may concern a quem interessar possa
a set of um conjunto de
on the other hand por outro lado
left behind deixado para tras *no children shall be left behind
what it takes o que e preciso *what it takes to make a good student
so what? e dai?
in spite of Apesar de, a despeito de *The tennis tournament was completed, in spite of the bad weather
as a whole como um todo, na totalidade *The population as a whole is getting healthier.
take pity on ter pena de *Don’t take pity on him! One shouldn’t take pity on it *I finally took pity on Ben and told him the truth.
be entrusted to ser confiado a *Edgar was entrusted to be the next boss


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