Excel 2010 - Chapter 1


FlashCards sobre Excel 2010 - Chapter 1, criado por dee.walker217 em 17-08-2014.
FlashCards por dee.walker217, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por dee.walker217 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Open Excel by clicking on this button at the left side of the Task bar. START BUTTON
A file created in Excel is referred to as a: WORKBOOK
A workbook consists of these WORKSHEETS
Contains buttons for commonly used commands. QUICK ACCESS toolbar
Click this tab and the Backstage view displays containing buttons and tabs for working with and managing files FILE TAB
Displays workbook name followed by program name TITLE BAR
Contain commands and features organized into groups TITLE BAR
Area containing the tabs and commands divided into groups RIBBON
Displays cell address (also called the cell reference) and includes the column letter & row number NAME BOX
Provides information about active cell; enter and edit formulas in the bar. FORMULA BAR
Displays toward bottom of screen and identifies current workdsheet SHEET TAB
Displays information about worksheet and active cell, view buttons, and Zoom slider bar. STATUS BAR
Area containing gridlines WORKSHEET
Columns are labelled with these: LETTERS
Rows are labelled with these: NUMBERS
Scroll through a worksheet using these: HORIZONTAL and/or VERTICAL SCROLL BARS
Data you type appears in two spots: THE CELL & FORMULA BAR
If a number is too long to fit in a cell, Excel changes the display of the number to this: NUMBER SYMBOLS (####)
A workbook file name can contain up to this amount of characters 255
This button automatically inserts a formula containing the SUM function, which adds the numbers in a range. AUTOSUM
This function is a common function in Excel formulas. AVERAGE function
This function sums the numbers in a range of cells and then divides the sum by the number of cell entries AVERAGE function
These do not display unless they are typed in a cell DECIMALS and COMMAS
This is a general guideline in accounting regarding entering dollar amounts in a spreadsheet Dollar sign before first number amount in a column and before the total amount in a column, but not before the number amounts in between.


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