Geog Coastal Defences


Flashcards on Geog Coastal Defences, created by Bailey Murphy on 28/11/2017.
Bailey Murphy
FlashCards por Bailey Murphy, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Bailey Murphy
Criado por Bailey Murphy mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is coastal management? The process of managing the coast through various techniques
What are coastal defences Man made or natural defences designed to protect the coastline
What is hard engineering? Man made sea defences
What is soft engineering? More natural sea defences designed to not be noticed
Name 3 examples of hard engineering Sea wall Groynes Rip Rap
Name 3 examples of soft engineering Beach nourishment Cliff regrading Offshore Breakwater
What 3 sea defences are used at hornsea Sea Wall Groynes Rip Rap
What are the 4 coastal management strategies? Advance the line Hold the line Managed retreat Do nothing
Describe the process of managed retreat Existing sea defences are breached so a salt marsh can be formed behind the sea wall and salt marshes can adjust to rising sea levels
Describe the process of Hold the line Existing sea defences are kept and reinforced to hold the current line e.g Bridlington
Describe the process of do nothing Current sea defences are abandoned and nature is left to take its course e.g Spurn Head
Describe the process of advance the line Sea defenses are pushed forward using sea walls and groynes
What is in the following image? Offshore Breakwater
What is in the following image? Groynes
What effect is caused after the last groyne? Terminal groyne syndrome where the is a lack of sand so erosion rates increase


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