

FlashCards sobre Kinetics, criado por Caitlyn Jones em 10-12-2017.
Caitlyn Jones
FlashCards por Caitlyn Jones, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Caitlyn Jones
Criado por Caitlyn Jones quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
A (aq) + B (aq) → AB (aq) How do you find the effect of [A]? What about [B]? Change [A], keep [B] and temp constant. Change [B], keep [A] and temp constant
What is the Rate equation? What do each of the letters stand for? Rate = k[A]ᵃ[B] k = Rate constant a = Order with respect to [A] b = Order with respect to [B]
What is meant by the term "Order"? Power to wi=hich a concentration must be raised to get the correct change in rate. Can only be found by experiment.
What order is this graph? Second
What order is this graph? Zero
What order is this graph? First
How would you work out the difference between first and second order graphs when it is concentration & time? There is a constant half-life for first order graphs, not with second.
Which is the rate determining step (RDS)? The slow one.
What is the Arrehenius Equation and what do the letters stand for? What are the units? k = Ae⁻ᴱᵃ/ᴿᵀ A = Frequency factor - Units depend on rate e = Mathematical term - No units Ea = Activation energy - kJ/mol R = Constant - J/mol T = Temperature - Kelvins
What does e⁻ᴱᵃ/ᴿᵀ mean? The fraction of particles in a gas that have the Ea or above.
What are the reactants of an "Iodine Clock" and what are they used for? Reactants:- Iodide ions - must be produced Acidified hydrogen peroxide - Oxidises iodide ions.
What are the products of an "Iodine Clock"? Iodine and Water
What is used to test for iodine? What is produced? Starch is used to detect iodine, a blue/black colour is produced.
What problem arises during this reaction, and how do you overcome it? Blue/black colour is instantly seen. Sodium thiosulfate is used to stop the starch producing the blue/black colour. Once it is all used up, the next molecule of iodine will produce the blue/black colour. The quicker it is produced, the faster the rate.
Can you provide equations for these reactions? 2I⁻ → I₂ + 2e⁻ 2S₂O₃²⁻ → S₄O₆²⁻ + 2e⁻ I₂ +2S₂O₃²⁻ → 2I⁻ + S₄O₆²⁻


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