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To give many details that can be sort of insignificant, so we lose the main point. Example: She never gets to the point. Instead, she always exaggerates in giving details. Lose something in a sea of detail British pronunciation of detail: /ˈdiː.teɪl/ (diteil) American pronunciation of detail /dɪˈteɪl/ (diteil)
To follow a particular plan, in this case, the one which is between two opposite plans. Example: As we did not reach an agreement, we decided to negotiate and accept some terms of each proposal. Steer a middle course British pronunciation of steer: /stɪər/ (stie) American pronunciation of steer: /stɪr/ (stir)
Visit a place just for a little time. Example: The original plan was coming back home immediatly, but as we have money enough, we decided to do a one-day visit at the town. A whirlwind tour British pronunciation of whirlwind: /ˈwɜːl.wɪnd/ (welwind) American pronunciation of whirlwind: /ˈwɝːl.wɪnd/ (werlwind)
Avoid facing a problem, a difficult question or a complex issue. Example: I was able to do the final exam and improve my grade, but I decided not to do it. I thought it was difficult. To duck a challenge British pronunciation of challenge: /ˈtʃæl.ɪndʒ/ (chalench) American pronunciation of challenge: /ˈtʃæl.ɪndʒ/ (chalench)
When something seems simple, but details hide mysterious and complicated facts that can cause problems. Example: It turned out that the written confession hid more revelations than we thought. The devil is in the detail British pronunciation of detail: /ˈdiː.teɪl/ (diteil) American pronunciation of detail /dɪˈteɪl/ (diteil)
To use a lot of time and energy in an activity that is not important or unlikely to succeed. Example: She failed all of her exams, yet she made a great effort on vacations to study. Waste too much in (doing) something British pronunciation of waste: /weɪst/ (weist) American pronunciation of waste: /weɪst/ (weist)
To dismiss something as we regard it as insignificant/to cancel a debt Example: They got rid of their toys because, for them, they did not matter anymore. Write something off British pronunciation of write: /raɪt/ (rait) American pronunciation of write: /raɪt/ (rait)
To remove something/when a plane starts to fly/to become popular Example: Had I known how the weather was going to be, I would not have taken off my coat. Take off British pronunciation of take: /teɪk/ (teik) American pronunciation of take: /teɪk/ (teik)
To invest money/to spend time doing something Example: Wishing to have a great business, they invested a large amount of money. Put in British pronunciation of put: /pʊt/ (put) American pronunciation of put: /pʊt/ (put)
Start a journey/ Make something explodes/do something accidentally/Make something starts to work. Example: "Today we are going to begin our journey, despite having neither money nor car" Set off British pronunciation of set: /set/ (set) American pronunciation of set: /set/ (set)
To start and have an effect on people or objects Example: She was walking down the street when it suddenly started to rain. That was unfortunate, as she was not carrying an umbrella. Set in British pronunciation of set: /set/ (set) American pronunciation of set: /set/ (set)
To give up and accept defeat/to give a piece of work to someone who is expecting it/not being able to control a feeling Example: ¡Surrendering is not an option! ¡Let's fight! Give in British pronunciation of give: /ɡɪv/ (giv) American pronunciation of give: /ɡɪv/ (giv)
To make someone believes false things/to understand and remember Example: Teacher told us we had passed the course, but actually, she took us in. Take in British pronunciation of take: /teɪk/ (teik) American pronunciation of take: /teɪk/ (teik)
When a person is capable of changing ideas or behaviour in order to deal with different situations/something that can be used in different contexts Example: Narrow-minded and stubborn people will not achieve their goals if they do not change their attitudes towards the modern world. Adaptability British pronunciation of adaptability: /əˌdæp·təˈbɪl·ɪ·t̬i/ (adaptabiliti) American pronunciation of adaptability: /əˌdæp·təˈbɪl·ɪ·t̬i/ (adaptabiliti)
To delay an activity/to discourage someone/to turn something off Example: Corruption and crime puts people off, so they decided they are not going to vote in next elections Put off British pronunciation of put: /pʊt/ (put) American pronunciation of put: /pʊt/ (put)


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