Unit 12


FlashCards sobre Unit 12, criado por Sonam Bhuka em 10-01-2018.
Sonam Bhuka
FlashCards por Sonam Bhuka, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sonam Bhuka
Criado por Sonam Bhuka aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
IT management activities which direct to increasing the stability of the system and ensuring that information is secure and backed-up
COTS commercial off-the-shelf: a product which is available in a standard form, not designed for a particular customer
ICT = information and communication technology
open-source platforms platforms which are designed and improved by users, owned by no-one
pervasive durchdringend, allgegenwärtig
the convergence Annäherung
a) a brick-and-mortar b) a clicks-and-mortar company a) business with no online presence b) mixed, business with some part of their business on the web, but also physical premises (=Räumlichkeiten)
e-commerce refers to the part of e-business related to buying and selling. it means setting up an electronic shop front, shoppers put their items in an electronic trolley and checkout
fraud Betrug, Missbrauch
piracy Piraterie: companies have to protect their intellectual property against it
a database server stores customer data and product information
an application server is responsible for calculations and program logic; it retrieves data from the database server and feeds it to the web server
a web server is responsible for the interface and graphics; it presents the web page to the user
a browser a software application: allows the customer to interact with the company's web server
CRM term of marketing: customer relationship management
MRP & CIM a term of production/operations: material requirements planning & computer integrated manufacturing
ERP enterprise resource planning: manages all stages in the supply chain
a data warehouse place where all the databases and documents from across the organization are stored
MIS part of the ERP; management information system: a decision-making tool which allows managers to extract useful knowledge (identifies pattern and trends by retrieving data from the data warehouse)
a) LAN b) WAN a) local area network: allows single-user workstations to share data, eg inside a company building b) wide area network: a geographically dispersed LAN
a legacy system an old IT system which is still in use
the bandwidth the rate at which data can pass through a communication channel
to embed = einbetten: to incorporate something physically into another object
datamining process of retrieving date from the data warehouse in order to turn it into useful information


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