Irregular Verbs Part 2


Segundos verbos de la lista. Libro "English in common 4" Editorial Pearson.
Melanie Prior Jaldin
FlashCards por Melanie Prior Jaldin, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Melanie Prior Jaldin
Criado por Melanie Prior Jaldin mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Past feel felt
Participle feel Felt
Translation feel sentir
Past fight fought
Participle fight Fought
Translation fight pelear
Past find found
Participle find Found
Translation find encontrar
Past fly flew
Participle fly flown
Translation fly volar
Past forget forgot
Participle forget forgotten
Translation forget olvidar
Past forgive forgave
Participle forgive forgiven
Translation forgive perdonar
Past freeze froze
Participle freeze frozen
Translation freeze congelar
Past get got
Participle get Got
Translation get obtener
Past give gave
Participle give given
Translation give dar
Past go went
Participle go gone/been
Translation go ir
Past grow grew
Participle grow grown
Translation grow crecer
Past hang hung
Participle hang hanged/hung
Translation hang colgar
Past have had
Participle have Had
Translation have tener
Past hear heard
Participle hear Heard
Translation hear escuchar
Past hide hid
Participle hide hidden
Translation hide esconder
Past hit hit
Participle hit Hit
Translation hit golpear
Past hold held
Participle hold Held
Translation hold sostener
Past hurt hurt
Participle hurt Hurt
Translation hurt herir
Past keep kept
Participle keep Kept
Translation keep mantener
Past kneel knelt
Participle kneel Knelt
Translation kneel arrodillar
Past know knew
Participle know known
Translation know saber/conocer
Past lay laid
Participle lay Laid
Translation lay reposar
Past lead led
Participle lead Led
Translation lead liderar
Past learn learned
Participle learn Learned
Translation learn aprender
Past leave left
Participle leave Left
Translation leave dejar
Past lend lent
Participle lend Lent
Translation lend prestar
Past let let
Participle let Let
Translation let permitir
Past lie lay
Participle lie lain
Translation lie mentir
Past light lit
Participle light Lit
Translation light encender
Past lose lost
Participle lose Lost
Translation lose perder
Past make made
Participle make Made
Translation make hacer
Past mean meant
Participle mean Meant
Translation mean significar
Past meet met
Participle meet Met
Translation meet conocer
Past must had to
Participle must Had to
Translation must deber
Past pay paid
Participle pay Paid
Translation pay pagar
Past put put
Participle put Put
Translation put poner
Past read read
Participle read read
Translation read leer
Past ride rode
Participle ride ridden
Translation ride manejar
Past ring rang
Participle ring rung
Translation ring sonar
Past rise rose
Participle rise risen
Translation rise elevar
Past run ran
Participle run run
Translation run correr


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