

Use, understand and know how selection can be used within programs. Be able to use Relational Operators and the Boolean Operations AND, OR. Develop programs that make use of nested selection statements.
Daniel Smillie
FlashCards por Daniel Smillie, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Daniel Smillie
Criado por Daniel Smillie mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Sequence Steps are executed one at a time, order of steps is order they’re written in, and hence the order that they are to be executed in, Each step is executed only once.
Selection The principle of choosing what action to take based on certain criteria. Allows a computer to compare values and then decide what course of action to take
IF… THEN… ELSE… ENDIF Program flow controlled by evaluation of a Boolean condition which evaluates to true or false.


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