Lenin Vs. Trotsky (Background)


Stalin's Dictatorship: USSR, 1924-1941 (Key Issue 1) FlashCards sobre Lenin Vs. Trotsky (Background), criado por Lani em 03-06-2013.
FlashCards por Lani, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Lani aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Son of a shoemaker in Georgia Stalin
Bolshevik, taking part in crimes Stalin
Reputation for being ruthless Stalin
Loyal supporter of Lenin on the Bolshevik Central Committee Stalin
Became General Secretary of the Party Stalin
Liked simple & practical ideas Stalin
Born to Jewish farmers in Ukraine Trotsky
Clever & developed many revolutionary ideas Trotsky
Before 1917, lived in exile as a publicist Trotsky
Returned to Russia in March 1917 to join Bolsheviks Trotsky
Became Chairman of Petrograd Soviet in Sept. 1917 Trotsky
Took charge of Communist success plans, including taking the Winter Palace in October/November 1917 Trotsky
Commissar for War under Lenin Trotsky
Created the Red Army that defeated the Whites Trotsky


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