Tissues, Organs and Systems


A level Biology (2.1.6 Cell Division, Cell Diversity + Cellular Organisation) FlashCards sobre Tissues, Organs and Systems, criado por Yinka F em 30-01-2018.
Yinka F
FlashCards por Yinka F, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Yinka F
Criado por Yinka F mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is a tissue? A group of cells that are specialised to work together to carry out a particular function. A tissue can contain more than one cell type
Outline the structure of squamous epithelium tissue A single layer of flat cells lining a surface, a thin exchange surface for efficiency E.g. alveoli
Outline the structure of ciliated epithelium tissue Layer of cells covered in cilia Found on surfaces where things need to be moved (e.g. trachea) The cilia wafts mucus along
Outline the structure of muscle tissue Made up of bundles of elongated cells (muscle fibres). There are three types: Smooth (e.g. lining the stomach) Cardiac (in the heart) Skeletal (used to move)
Outline the structure of cartilage A type of connective tissue found in the joints. Also shapes and supports ears, nose and trachea. Formed when chondroblasts secrete an extracellular matrix (jelly- like substance containing protein fibres), which they become trapped inside
Outline the structure and function of xylem tissue STRUCTURE: Contains hollow xylem vessel cells (which are dead) and living parenchyma cells FUNCTION: Transports water around the plant and supports it
Outline the structure and function of phloem tissue STRUCTURE: Arranged in tubes and made up of sieve cells, companion cells and some ordinary plant cells. Each sieve cell has end walls with holes in them, so that sap can move through them. These end walls are called sieve plates FUNCTION: Transport sugars around the plant
What are organs? A group of different tissues that work together to perform a particular function
Outline the structure of lungs Contain squamous epithelium tissue (alveoli) and ciliated epithelium tissue (bronchi etc.). Also have elastic connective tissue and vascular tissue (blood vessels)
Outline the structure of the leaf Contains palisade tissue, epidermal tissue (prevent water loss), and xylem and phloem tissues in the veins
What are organ systems? Organs work together to carry out a particular function
Outline the structure of the respiratory system Lungs, trachea, larynx, nose, mouth and diaphragm All organs, tissues and cells involved in gas exchange
Outline the structure of the circulatory system Heart, arteries, veins and capillaries Organs involved in blood supply


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