

A level Biology (4.1.1 Communicable Diseases and the Immune System) FlashCards sobre Antibodies, criado por Yinka F em 05-02-2018.
Yinka F
FlashCards por Yinka F, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Yinka F
Criado por Yinka F mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is the antibodies made up of (on the molecular level)? Made up of chains of amino acid monomers linked by peptide bonds (proteins)
Describe the structure of an antibody Variable regions Hinge regions Constant regions Disulphide bridges
What is the variable region? Variable regions form the antigen-binding sites. The shape of the variable region is complementary to a particular antigen - they differ between antibodies
What is the hinge region? The hinge region allows flexibility when the antibody binds to the antigen
What is the constant region? The constant regions allow binding to receptors on immune system cells (e.g. phagocytes). The constant region is the same (i.e. it has the same sequence of amino acids) in all antibodies
What is the role of the disulphide bridges in antibodies? Disulphide bridges hold the polypeptide chains of the protein together
What are the roles of antibodies? Agglutinating pathogens Neutralising toxins Preventing the pathogen binding to human cells
How do antigens agglutinate pathogens? Each antibody has two binding sites, so an antibody can bind to two pathogens at the same time - the pathogens become clumped together. Phagocytes then bind to the antibodies and phagocytose a lot of pathogens all at once. Antibodies that behave in this way are known as agglutinins
How do antibodies neutralise toxins? Like antigens, toxins have different shapes. Antibodies called anti-toxins can bind to toxins produced by pathogens. This prevents toxins from affecting human cells, so the toxins are neutralised (inactivated). The toxin-antibody complexes are also phagocytosed
How do antibodies prevent pathogens binding to human cells? When antibodies bind to the antigens on pathogens, they may block the cell-surface receptors that the pathogens need to bind to the host cells. This means the pathogen cannot attach to or infect the host cells


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