Andreas Vesalius


Flashcards about Andreas Vesalius
First Name
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Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Andreas Vesalius; studies and notable publishings Studed medicine in Paris
Andreas Vesalius: Overview Vesalius was a Flemish-born anatomist whose dissections of the human body helped to correct misconceptions dating from ancient times.
Andreas Vesalius: Studies and Notable publishing Studied medicine in Paris, Padua and Italy. Proved wrong the theories of yesteryear The fabric of the human body (1543) Detailed description and illustration of the human body
Andreas Vesalius: What he did He taught and learnt about the human body, he actually dissected human body to do this (It was looked down upon by doctors and the church of the time) Disproved the four humours and theory of opposites. As well as this he disp[roved 100's of gallons thoughts and theories (that where believed for years)
Andreas Vesalius: What helped him The printing press was a huge boon for him, as it allowed him to mass produce his books (this could have been done before the printing press, but it would have been done by monks. And they could change the book at will or just refuse to do it and you would have had no way to combat it)
Andreas Vesalius: Was his theory accepted? His theory where actually unpopular at the time, many doctors of the time challanged him, as most still thought that Gallen was correct.
Andreas Vesalius: Did he change medicine at the time? At the time he actually didn't help anything and his theories where usually unpopular. He caused no changed nor did he make any cures or treatments at the time. But his finding gave later doctor and researchers the ideas and finding on which to build their theories on.


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