Phrasal Verbs


FlashCards sobre Phrasal Verbs, criado por sophielyle em 06-06-2013.
FlashCards por sophielyle, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por sophielyle mais de 11 anos atrás

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She's such a fragile person. I'm afraid she will break down when she hears the news. She's such a fragile person. I'm afraid she will collapse when she hears the news.
We had been standing for so long that I just passed out! We had been standing for so long that I just fainted!
I live in London so pop in if you're ever in the city. I live in London so visit me if you're ever in the city.
The meeting was long and the room was very hot and stuffy. I thought I would drop off! The meeting was long and the room was hot and stuffy. I thought I would fall asleep!
There's a fear that war may break out in the region at any time. There's a fear that war may start suddenly at any time.
It's silly to fall out with your friends over a girl/boyfriend. It's silly to argue with your friends over a girl/boyfriend.
The subject of a pay rise will probably come up at the meeting. The subject of a pay rise will probably arise at the meeting.
Stop worrying. Don't let one bad result bring you down. Stop worrying. Don't let one bad result depress you.
I'm afraid we'll have to call off the party because my husband is ill. I'm afraid we'll have to cancel the party because my husband is ill.
Her mother died when she was young so she was brought up by her father. Her mother died when she was young so she was raised by her father.
If you want to stay the night I can put you up in the spare room. If you want to stay the night I can accommodate you in the spare room.
I'm depending on you so please don't let me down. I'm depending on you so please don't disappoint me.
He made up a story about working late to his wife but really he was in the pub. He invented a story about working late to his wife but really he was in the pub.
Ask Mary if you don't believe me, I'm sure she'll back me up. Ask Mary if you don't believe me, I'm sure she'll support me.
The manager is still on holiday so we'll have to put off the meeting until next Wednesday. The manager is still on holiday so we'll have to postpone the meeting until next Wednesday.
They'll never believe you're American. Your accent will give you away immediately. They'll never believe your American. Your accent will reveal the truth immediately.
I think after you do up the flat it will look really nice. I think after you decorate the flat it will look really nice.
The old fashioned look of the hotel probably puts people off. The old fashioned look of the hotel probably causes people to lose interest in it.
The letters RAM stand for 'random access memory'. The letters RAM are an abbreviation for 'random access memory'.
I don't think he'll ever get over the shock of the accident. I don't think he'll ever recover from the shock of the accident.
I quite often run into friends in the street because I live in a small town. I quite often meet friends by chance in the street because I live in a small town.
I can't think of a way to get round the problem. I can't think of a way to deal with the problem.
He expects to come into a lot of money from his grandfather's will. He expects to inherit a lot of money from his grandfather's will.
My mother and I are very similar. I definitely take after her physically. My mother and I are very similar. I definitely resemble her physically.
If they go back on their promise, I'll never forgive them. If they break their promise, I'll never forgive them.
I can't put up with that noise any longer. I'm going to have to complain. I can't tolerate that noise any longer. I'm going to have to complain.
There are some strange noises coming from her room. What on earth is she up to? There are some strange noises coming from her room. What on earth is she doing?
She's such a snob. She looks down on anyone who shops at Lidl. She's such a snob. She feels superior to anyone who shops at Lidl.
After a month off college, it will take him a long time to catch up with the other students. After a month off college, it will take him a long time to reach the same standard as the other students.
The sale of the house fell through when the bank refused to give them a mortgage. The sale of the house failed to happen when the bank refused to give them a mortgage.
His parents took him to the cinema to make up for missing the party. His parents took him to the cinema to compensate for missing the party.
Smell that milk! I think it's gone off. Smell that milk! I think it's gone sour.
I waited for half an hour but they didn't turn up. I waited for half an hour but they didn't arrive.
Is there anything you would like to bring up at the meeting? Is there anything you would like to discuss at the meeting?
I'm going to see my friend off at the airport. I'm going to say goodbye to my friend at the airport.
You should try the car out before you buy it. You should test the car before you buy it.


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