UK Pressure Groups Examples


- Government & Politics FlashCards sobre UK Pressure Groups Examples, criado por Emily Bevis em 21-02-2018.
Emily Bevis
FlashCards por Emily Bevis, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Emily Bevis
Criado por Emily Bevis aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

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Examples of INTEREST PGs - British Medical Association (BMA) - National Union of Teachers (NUT) - Confederation of British Industry (CBI) - Trades Union Congress (TUC) - Trade Unions, Business corporations, Professional bodies
Examples of CAUSE PGs - Amnesty International - Protection of Birds (RSPB) - Electoral Reform Society - Environmental = Greenpeace, Countryside Alliance, WWF
Examples of INSIDER PGs - CBI - MENCAP (learning disabilities) - BMA (British Medical association) - RSPB (birds/wildlife) - Age UK - Greenpeace (despite outsider tactics) - Trade Unions = National Farmers Union (NFU), National Union of Teachers (NUT)
Recent PRESSURE GROUP examples - 2016, Junior Doctors March = BMA involvement in protest = successfully as put pressure of Jeremy Hunt to fulfil aims - 2016, EU Movement = urge May to allow UK nationals to stay in country after Brexit - 2010, Student Riots = student unions protest against rise in uni prices - 30,000 protesters, police use tear gas as too violent = 14 officers injured - Same again in 2015 but much less violent - Women's Rights March = peaceful promotion of female rights/equality - 2011/2012 Occupy London movement
Greenpeace - Insider cause group - Controversial campaign tactics = expected to have outsider status - 2012 = shut down 74 Shell petrol stations to protest against arctic oil drilling - 2013 = scale the Shard to campaign against corporative abuse of Arctic - International success in stopping commercial whale hunting - 2018 = influence Gov in policy against microbes waste in oceans
Examples of OUTSIDER PGs - Fathers4Justice = dressed as Batman/Robyn climb the Buckingham Palace - civil disobedience - Plane Stupid = protest the new planned runway at Heathrow airport, 2008 - English Defence League (EDL) - with views against spread of Islam which not inline with public opinion - Trade Unions in 1980s under Thatcher due to ideology differences - Newchurch Guinea Pigs = 2006 extremists jailed after death threats and removal of dead relatives from grave
Polices directly and successfully influenced by Pressure Groups - Hunting Act, 2004 = influenced by 'League Against Cruel Sports' = X hunting with dogs (but little reduction in no. of foxes hurt) - Firearms Act, 1997 = result of PGs anger after 1966 school shooting - Smoking in public places, 2006 = BMA specialism in UK Health Select Committee suggested smoking ban = advice followed - 2012 Health and Social Care Act = BMA - 2017 Countryside Alliance = May added legalisation of Fox hunting to conservative manifesto
What is a social movement? - PGs can be PART OF a social movement - Bigger than individual PGs - Long term campaigns which encompass variety of issues - e.g. Feminist movement = workplace rights, gay rights, voting, pay etc. - Designed to bring widespread social improvements - Less clear organisational structure
Examples of New Social Movements - People's Fuel Lobby (2000) = blockaded fuel/oil depots = SUCCESS as Gov reluctant to raise prices - Make Poverty History (2005) - Anti-Iraq Protest March (2003) = 1-2 million marchers but UN-SECCESSFUL - Pride/LGBTQ movement = every year millions unite in the Pride marches across country/world - London 2017 = almost a million join parade - 2017 Stop Trump protest movement = managed to delay his visit due to embassy protests but scheduled to visit summer 2018 - 2018 = 'Save our NHS' = mass demonstrations
Examples of civil disobedience - People Fuel Blockade (2000) - Occupy London (2011-12) = protests/camping on St Paul's Cathedral steps against current state of democracy - Fathers4Justice scaling Palace walls (2004) - Plane Stupid (2008) protest on runways in stansted airport and (2017) chain selves to plane to stop removal of asylum seekers - Greenpeace (2013) = protesters climb the Shard in honour of the Save the artic movement. - NOT ALWAYS VIOLENT AND THREATENING
How did PG 'Equality Now' benefit from media support in 2014? - Equality Now PG advocate for female rights = petition - The Guardian Newspaper supported and publicised campaign - Consequently = 250,000 signatures and Gove promised to work with schools to be pro-active in policy area + educate young girls - In support of PMB 'Female Genital Mutilation' (2003)
Fathers4Justice - Despite claimed 30,000 members = no significant policy changes - Campaign in favour of fathers position in eyes of law = imp. message - Outsider status - Civil disobedience - scale Buckingham Palace and throw purple powered at Blair during PMQs (2004) - Public see campaign as immature + wasting police time + taxpayer money
CBI - Confederation of British Industry - Insider status - Represents 200,000 UK businesses - Taken seriously as high proportion of electorate and :) resources - PMs and Chancellors = often attend meetings and dinners - 2015 Osbornes budget lowered corporation tax to 18% = result of CBI influence? - Pose potential threat to gov if interests to listened to ?
BMA - British Medical Association - Insider status = Sectional PG - Offer essential specialist knowledge to Gov on policies concerning healthcare - 2006, Smoking Ban = BMA suggestion in UK Health Select committee - Good/well financed resources - Represent 65% of all British Doctors = significant proportion of electorate - 160,000 members - Supported Junior Doctors strike 2016 = successful as new protections in place - 2012 Health and Social Care Act
How did PG 'Liberty' use legal action in 2016? Brought case to EU Court challenging the legality of the Date Retention Act of 2014 as argued was against HRA. BUT ruling was delayed until after result of 2016 referendum.
Importance of the 'Snowdrop Campaign' - Response to tragic events of 1996 Scottish school shooting - Highlighted importance of PUBLIC SUPPORT in PG success - Pressure on gov to put total ban on private ownership of handguns
TUC - Trade Union Congress - Insider status - Umbrella group as represent number of different union members = teachers, farmers, students etc - 52 unions - 5.8 million workers - Particular partnership with Lab gov - BUT Thatcher = reduce union influence in 1980s as believe too powerful


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