

FlashCards sobre C1, criado por Jacob Stocker em 05-03-2018.
Jacob Stocker
FlashCards por Jacob Stocker, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jacob Stocker
Criado por Jacob Stocker quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
How many protons neutrons and electrons? Protons -13 Neutrons -14 Electrons-13
What kind of safety equipment should you wear when heating up something Lab coat Safety glasses Gloves
How can you speed up a reaction? Heating or Stirring
What is water? a compound, an element or a mixture Water is a compound
How many groups are in the periodic table There are 8 groups ( 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
Why is aluminium in group 3 of the periodic table? Because it has 3 electrons on its outer shell
'Aluminium and copper are good conductors of electricity' STATE one property that makes aluminium more suitable than copper for overhead cables. aluminium has a low density      (because copper) is in the central / middle (block of the periodic table) whereas aluminium is in Group 3 (of the periodic table)


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