Attitudes to the War & Propaganda


GCSE History FlashCards sobre Attitudes to the War & Propaganda, criado por missalicelinsell em 08-06-2013.
FlashCards por missalicelinsell, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por missalicelinsell mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What does Total War mean? The whole country was affected by the war
Why was there huge enthusiasm for the war in 1914? Fighting in the war could be an adventure, it was right to fight for your country and the war would be "over by Christmas" - Britain would easily win.
How did the government keep people ignorant of what was going on? Letters from soliders were censored, reporters weren't allowed to see battle, newspapers were censored from 1914, no photographs of the dead, casualty figures not available.
How did people learn the truth about the war? 1500 civilians were killed (bombs), no obvious success until 1918, crippled/blinded who returned home and deaths couldn't be kept from families, rationing was difficult and a hardship. Taxes had increased.
When were most people sick of the war? 1917
What did Britain use to encourage people to fight? Properganda
Who was Lord Kitchener? The Secretary for War
What did Lord Kitchener want to introduce in 1914? Conscription
Prime Minister Asquith refused to introduce conscription in 1914. What method did he use to encourage volunteers into the army? He use a huge poster campagin.
When was the War Propaganda Burea formed? September 1914
What did the War Propaganda Bureau do? Asked 25 of Britains best writers to aid the war effort.
Which department produced propaganda films? The Ministry of Information
What film was so realistic that it could have been seen as anti-war? The Battle of the Somme (1916)
What did the government set up in Juner 1917 to issue propaganda literature and sponsor speeches to improve morale? a National War Aims Committee


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