hurricane katrina


made some mistakes on these ones - it should read continental usa and
FlashCards por henfriend, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por henfriend aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
DD208 Hurricane Katrina
August 2005 New Orleans The Big Easy Hurricane Katrina Toxic Water 1000 dead Billions Dollors Damage Predominantly Black Working Class Elderly Children
Government Response Lacking The shame of America Bush Administration Too little too late Sercurity/Police Lied to those who were trapped Stopped them crossing the bridge to safety (on the white side of town) Shot bullets into the air Berated and humiliated those trying to escape to safety
Media Response Most televised and reported natural disaster in colonial USA history. Televised 24 hours per day Exaggerated reporting - looting, criminal behaviour, rapes, murders etc Eye Witness Accounts The shamefull way in which people were treated by police. There was some some looting people acted because of lack of reaction from authories - they could not wait and had to act themselves.


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