Visionary Art


Constantly references that which is not human, this isn't just about showcasing the art, part of the art is spiritual
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FlashCards por Brooklyn Gillette, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Brooklyn Gillette
Criado por Brooklyn Gillette aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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Nicolas Kalmakoff Affluent Grossly Underknown lots of different cultural references anticipates visionary art postwar portrays women as sexually irresistable and unclean
Nicolas Kalmakoff, Satan, 1923, Charcoal
Skoptsy ascetic secret society reject genetalia no breasts male castration
Nicolas Kalmakoff, The Women of Nadjis, 1923, Pastel
The Women of the Nadjis, Nicolas Kalmakoff, 1923, Pastel nadjis-spirirtually unclean horror vacui- art that fears empty space bright colors elongated forms expressive line iconography cant be connected to anything misogyny, sexual anxiety
The Victim, Nicolas Kalmakoff, 1925
prime example of his misogyny androgynous male as Christ Crucified on the femme fatale
Nicolas Kalmakoff, Stage Design: The Serpentine Crypt, 1910, Gouache on card obsession with satan
Nicolas Kalmakoff, Costume Design: Salome, 1908 Gouache on card
Heavenly Wrath, Nicolas Kalmakoff, 1915, Lithograph fundraising piece
Wrath of War, Nicolas Kalmakoff, 1917 soldiers and weapons take on demonic forms
Nicolas Kalmakoff, Household Ghosts, 1927, oil on canvas
Household Ghsot spirits derived from gaki gaki=personification of hunger could avoid being reborn as one through asceticism


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