Criado por Andrea Lladro
mais de 6 anos atrás
Questão | Responda |
Aunque | Though (+ informal + corto) Although Even though (+enfático + largo) (Even though/ although it was raining, we went out for the day) |
A pesar de La pelicula fue entretenida aunque un poco larga | the film was enjoyable, even it was a bit long |
Aunque me lo prohíbas lo haré | I´m going to do it even if you forbid me to |
vamos a la fiesta aunque sea para saludar | we´ll go to the party at least to say hi |
Aunque te dije que no te metieras hiciste tu voluntad | Even though I told you not to get involved, you did what you wanted |
Meri fue víctima de un delito de suplantación de identidad, alguien usó su nombre y fecha de nacimiento de forma ilegal | Meri was a victim of a identity theft; someone else was using her name and date of birth illegally |
Simon informó del robo de su cartera en comisaría | Simon reported the theft of his wallet to the police |
theft - robbery - stealing = racket - dishonest business | anti-theft device : protecting against thieves = gadget deters (discourages) theft My new car is protecting with an anti-theft device |
grand theft - stealing large amount | petty theft - stealing sth of low value petty = small, unimportant (pet: domestical small animal) |
seguro antirobo | theft insurance |
robo a mano armada | armed robbery (crime: theft with a weapon) |
un criminal asaltó el banco de por allí la semana pasada | a gang stuck up that bank over there last week |
cuando los intimidadores vinieron él defendió a su hermana | when the bullies came around, he stuck up for her little sister bully (bullies): person intimidates another bully = to intimidate stick up for = defend = support |
Odio cuando los niños mayores intimidan a los pequeños, zarandeándolos y burlándose de ellos | I hate when big children bully the small ones by pushing them around and making fun of them bully = to intimidate to push around: zarandear to make fun: burlarse push=shove: empujón |
Antirrobo alarma antirrobo | burglar-proof (protected against theft) burglar alarm |
What are the most common types of identity theft? | Government documents Benefits fraud Phone or utilities fraud (utilities: gas, electricity, water) employment fraud Bank fraud loan fraud (loan=lend money:préstamo) |
los precios de los servicios públicos han subido bruscamente en los recientes años | the price (prize=award) of utilities has risen steeply in recent years steep: empinado steeply : abrubtly, suddenly, brusquely |
la casa estaba en lo alto de una colina empinada | the house was at the top of a steep hill |
Ángel dejó en remojo una bolsa de té en una taza con agua hirviendo | Ángel steeped a tea bag in a mug of boiling water (steep=brew=infusion) |
Paloma puso la camiseta manchada en agua y la dejo en remojo | Paloma put the stained shirt in the water and left it to steep (steep:soak=remojar) stained (with a stain:mancha) |
Ella echó agua hirviendo en el té y lo dejó reposar | she poured boliling water on the tea and let it steep |
Necesito un préstamo del banco | I need a loan from the bank |
Ella me prestó el coche por un día | she loaned me the car for one day |
este coche es sólo un préstamo hasta que el mío esté reparado | this car is just a loan until mine is repaired |
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