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Biology glossary set three
Cameron Rogers
FlashCards por Cameron Rogers, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Cameron Rogers
Criado por Cameron Rogers mais de 6 anos atrás

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Thylakoid Flattened membrane sacs found in chloroplasts which hold the pigments used in photosynthesis and are the site of the light reactions of photosynthesis. A stack of thylakoids forms a granum.
Thymine A nitrogen-containing organic base found in DNA. It pairs with adenine.
Tissue A group of similar cells that perform a particular function.
Tissue fluid The fluid derived from blood plasma that surrounds the cells in a tissue.
Totipotent Undifferentiated cell that is capable of differentiating into any kind of specialised cell. All cells in an embryo are totipotent as are meristem cells in plants. Embryonic stem cells are totipotent.
Trachea The windpipe leading from the back of the mouth to the bronchi.
Transcription The assembly of an mRNA molecule that is a copy of the DNA coding strand (and complementary to the template strand).
Transect A line through a habitat used to help take samples and study the habitat.
Transfer RNA (tRNA) A type of RNA polynucleotide involved in protein synthesis. It transports amino acids to the ribosomes to be added to the growing polypeptide chain.
Transgenic Organism that has genetic material from another organism usually by genetic engineering.
Translocation The movement of sucrose and other substances up and down a plant.
Transmission The way in which a microorganism or other pathogen travels from one host to another.
Transpiration The loss of water vapour from the aerial parts of a plant due to evaporation.
Triglyceride A molecule consisting of a glycerol moleculeand three fatty acid molecules covalently bonded together.
Turgid Describes a cell that is full of water as a result of entry of water due to osmosis. When the pressure of the cell wall prevents more water entering the cell is said to be turgid.
Ultrastructure The detailed structure of the internal components of cells as revealed by the electron microscope rather than by the light microscope. Sometimes called fine structure.
Uracil A nitrogen-containing organic base found in RNA.
Urea Chemical made in the liver from amine groups from deaminated amino acids and carbon dioxide. It is toxic and is removed from the body in urine.
Vaccine A preparation of antigens given to provide artificial immunity.
Vacuolar pathway The pathway taken by water in plants as it passes from cell to cell via the cell cytoplasm and vacuole.
Variable (dependent variable independent variable) Condition in an experimental investigation. Independent variables are altered by the experimenter; dependent variables change as a result of the changes in the independent variable.
Variation The differences between individuals.
Vascular tissue / bundle The transport tissue in a plant usually found as a bundle containing both xylem and phloem.
Vector An organism that carries a disease-causing organism (pathogen) from one host to another. The term is also used to describe an agent (such as a plasmid) that transfers genetic material from one cell to another.
Vena cava Either of two large veins that carry deoxygenated blood from the body back to the heart.
Ventilation Breathing movement of diaphragm and rib cage that bring air into and out of the lungs.
Ventricles The lower chambers in the heart.
Vesicle A membrane-bound sac found in cells and used to transport materials around the cell.
Villi Folds in the wall of an organ or tissue that increase surface area.
Vitamin Chemical needed in small amounts for healthy metabolism. Some organisms can make them some organisms have to obtain them in the diet.
Water potential () A measure of the ability of water molecules to move freely in solution. Measures the potential for a solution to lose water water moves from a solution with high water potential to one of lower water potential. Water potential is decreased by the presence of solutes.
Water vapour potential The potential energy of water vapour in a gas it is used to indicate how much water vapour is present.
Xerophyte A plant specially adapted to living in dry areas.
Xylem A plant tissue containing xylem vessels (and other cells) that are used to transport water in a plant and provide support.
Zygote Diploid cell made from fusion of male and female gametes.


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