Human Biology: Chapter 3


Cell Structure and Function
FlashCards por eekoski17, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por eekoski17 aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

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Cell Theory one of the major theories of biology; states that all organisms are made up of cells and cells come only from pre-existing cells.
Plasma membrane Membrane surrounding the cytoplasm that consists of a phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins; functions to regulate the entrance and exit of molecules from the cell.
Selectively permeable having degrees of permeability; the cell is impermeable to some substances and allows others to pass through at varying rates
cytoplasm Contents of a cell between the nucleus and the plasma membrane that contains the organelles
Organelles Small membranous in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells having a specific structure and function
eukaryotic cell type of cell that has a membrane-bound nucleus and membranous organelles
Nucleus Membrane-bounded organelle that contains chromosomes and controls the structure and function of its cell
Prokaryotic cell type of cell that lacks a membrane-bound nucleus and organelles
Plasma membrane outer surface that regulates entrance and exit of molecules; plasma surrounding the cytoplasm that consists of a phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins; functions to regulate the entrance and exit of molecules from the cell
cytoskeleton maintains cell shape and assists movement of cell parts; internal framework of the cell, consisting of microtubules, actin filaments, and intermediate filaments
Microtubules cylinders of protein molecules present in cytoplasm, centrioles, cilia, and flagella; small cylindrical structure that contains 13 rows of the protein tubulin around an empty central core; component of the cytoskeleton; present in the cytoplasm, centrioles, cilia, and flagella
Intermediate filaments protein fibers that provide support and strength; rope-like assemblies of fibrous polypeptides in the cytoskeleton that provide support and strength to cells
Actin filaments protein fibers that play a role in movement of cell and organelles
Centrioles short, cylinders of microtubules
Centrosome Microtubule organizing center that contains a pair of centrioles
Lysosome vesicle that digests macromolecules and even cell parts; membrane-bound vesicle that contains hydrolytic enzymes for digesting macromolecules
Vesicle Membrane-bounded sac that stores and transports substances
Cytoplasm semifluid matrix outside nucleus that contains organelles
Nuclear envelope double membrane with nuclear pores that encloses nucleus
Chromatin diffuse threads containing DNA and protein
Nucleous region that produces subunits of ribosomes
Rough ER studded with ribosomes, processes proteins
Smooth ER Lacks ribosomes, synthesizes lipid molecules
Ribosomes particles that carry out protein synthesis; RNA and protein in two subunits; site of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm
Mitochondrion organelle that carries out cellular respiration, producing ATP molecules
Polyribosome string of ribosomes simultaneously synthesizing same protein
Golgi Apparatus Processes, packages, and secretes modified cell products
Fluid-mosaic model Model for the plasma membrane based on the changing location and pattern of protein molecules in a fluid phospholipid bilayer; working description of membrane structure
Diffusion random movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration, until they are equally distributed; passive way for molecules to enter/exit the cell
Osmosis net movement of water across (through) a semipermeable membrane, from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
Tonicity refers to the osmotic characteristics of a solution across a particular membrane, such as red blood cell membrane
hyptotonic If the solution is _________, the cell gains water
Hypertonic If the solution is ____________, the cell loses water
Osmotic pressure Measure of the tendency of water to move across a selectively permeable membrane; visible as an increase in liquid on the side of the membrane with higher solute concentration
facilitated transport Use of plasma membrane carrier to move a substance into or out of a cell from higher to lower concentration; no energy required
active transport movement of a molecule across a plasma membrane from an area of lower concentration to one of higher concentration; uses a carrier protein and energy
Phagocytosis Process by which amoeboid-type cells engulf large substances, forming an intracellular vacuole.
Chromosomes Chromatin condensed into a compact structure
Nuclear pores Opening in the nuclear envelope that permits the passage of proteins into the nucleus and ribosomal subunits out of the nucleus
Endomembrane system A collection of membranous structures involved in transport within the cell
coenzymes Nonprotein organic molecule that aids the action of the enzyme to which it is loosely bound
Glycolysis Anaerobic breakdown of glucose that results in a gain to two ATP molecules


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