History GCSE- Social Reforms


A brief set of flashcards containing the Social Reforms used by Kaiser Wilhelm II to try and suppress the increase in socialism and support for the SPD
Nathan Chan
FlashCards por Nathan Chan, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nathan Chan
Criado por Nathan Chan aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
Social Reforms in Germany History GCSE Social Reforms- used to keep German workers loyal to the state and not fall to socialism; not because they genuinely wanted to improve the worker's living and working conditions
In what year were the Workers' Protection Act and Social Law introduced? 1891
What was the aim of the Workers' Protection Act? To improve the working safety conditions for the working class
What was the Social Law (1891)? Made it illegal for: children aged under 13 to work, women to work more than 11 hours a day, and forbid anyone to work on Sunday
Name the reforms introduced in 1900, 1901 and 1903... 1900- the time a worker could claim off work after an accident increased 1901- industrial courts set up to settle disputes between employers and employees (compulsory in towns with 20,000+ people) 1903- health insurance was expanded
What were the Sickness and Accident Insurance Schemes and when were they introduced? Introduced in 1911 (originally 1884), they covered nearly 14 million Germans in an attempt to cover up the poor conditions of the working class environment
List the 6 Social Reforms introduced to try and win over the unhappy working population (in chronological order)... 1891- Social Laws, Workers' Protection Act 1900- the time off a worker could claim after an accident increased 1901- industrial courts set up 1903- expansion of health insurance 1911- Sickness and Accident Insurance Schemes


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