CSCI 1302 Test 2


Flash Cards for my CSCI Test
marc30599 .
FlashCards por marc30599 ., atualizado more than 1 year ago
marc30599 .
Criado por marc30599 . quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Subscript Index Ex: Array index
Array Fixed-size data structure that can store a sequential collection of values, all the same type
Assignment Operator "=" equal sign that initializes it
Element One value in an array
Control Variable Mainly used in "for loop" to control how many times a loop executes
Scope Part of the program where it may be accessed by name
Pre-test Loop Will be a "while" loop
Post-Test Loop Will be a "do-while" loop
Equality Operator Used to compare objects (ints, chars, doubles) using "==". For strings you use ".equals" or ".equalsIgnoreCase"
Logical "AND" operator Denoted as "&&" both sides of the expression must be true in order for the entire expression to be true
Logical "OR" operator Only one side of the expression must be true in order for the entire boolean expression to be true, denoted with "| |"
Logical "NOT" operator Reverses the truth of a boolean expressions denoted with "!"
Iteration Basically loops and repetition
IF Statement if(boolean expression) is true then the following statement afterwards executes. if false it skips over the following statement
IF ElSE Statement Same as the IF Statement only in this instance if the expression is false, than the statements in the ELSE block will execute instead.
Boolean Expressions An expression that, when evaluated, returns a boolean value of true or false value


1.1 Component 1
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Video Revision
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Network Protocols
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Keywords - Systems
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Operating Systems
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IGSCE Computer Science
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Binary System
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