Nervous Systems I


FlashCards sobre Nervous Systems I, criado por J yadonknow em 12-04-2018.
J yadonknow
FlashCards por J yadonknow, atualizado more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Criado por J yadonknow quase 7 anos atrás
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Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is the neural tube tube w/ lumen and neuroblast-containing walls
What develops within the neural tube? Entire CNS
Structure of brain Three 1' vesicles Fore/mid/hindbrain Divide into five 2' vesicles
Ventricles are regions containing CSF
Lower vertebrae brains have (3) large area devoted to olfaction ^ Size of diencephalon ^ size of cerebrum
Mammalian brains have (4) Folding of cortex Development of 6 layered neocortex Enlargement of cerebellum Reduction of the olfactory system
Human brain has (3) 1' visual sensory cortex somatic sensory cortex Enlargement of cortical areas w/ unique human features
Where do cranial nerves emerge from Brainstem
what is white matter myelinated axons
corpus callosum is __ that ___ WM Connects hemispheres of the brain
Internal capsule contains many tracts
What are tracts? Bundles of myeliniated axons connecting nuclei (WM)
Example Corticospinal tract = starts in cortex down to spine
fascicles means bundles
Cortex is made out of Gray matter
Gray matter is comprised of Neuron Cell bodies organised into nuclei or laminae (layers of cortex)
name of cell bodies outside of brain ganglia
Diagram of the brain (5) Cerebellum midbrain thalamus cortex cc
How is swimming co-ordinated in fish? CPG on each side of each spinal cord segment Each half of spinal cord co-ordinates L and R side
What controls the CPG? Locomotor command centres in brainstem
What controls brainstem LCC? Basal ganglia in cerebral hemisphere
Which cell types are key neurons in startle response? M-neurons
How dey do dat? Most fish have large M-neuron either side of brainstem Vibrations detected via sensory input from lat. lines (viii) Axon crosses midline, extends throughout spinal cord Collaterals contact inter/motorneurons at every spinal level Unilateral muscle contraction Also inhibits other side of spinal cord by releasing exc. neurot onto inhib neuron
Vestibulocerebrum involved in balance
spinocerebrum development when body raised off ground
neocerebrum is connected to cerebral cortex for motor co-ordination
MOA spinal reflex Sensory neuron brings info into spinal cord via dorsal root ganglion Synapse in dorsal horn (GM) Interneuron synapse to motor neurons in ventral horn Release neurot onto skeletal muscle
Supra-spinal control ascending Sensory run from spinal cord to sensory cortex in cerebral hemisphere
Descending Motor Exert control over motor neurons in spinal cord
3 major mammalian pathways Corticostriate pathway (basal ganglia) Cortico-cerebellar pathway Corticospinal tract
What influences reptiles/amphibians? Cerebral cortex + spinal cord Evolving basal ganglia, the cortex, the brainstem Cerebellum and spinal cord

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