Nervous Systems II


FlashCards sobre Nervous Systems II, criado por J yadonknow em 12-04-2018.
J yadonknow
FlashCards por J yadonknow, atualizado more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Criado por J yadonknow quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Innervation the nerve supply of
Afferent towards
Efferent away from
Ipsilateral Same side
Contralateral other side
CNS Brain+spinal cord
PNS cranial nerves and spinal nerves Control somatic structures (skin+musculoskeletal system)
ANS Controls the organs of the body
vertebrae cross-section Dorsal white column (cervical/thoracic/lumbar/sacral) lat/medial division of motor neurons Ventral horn Flexors/extensors Lateral white column
What type of tracts are Dorsal white column? Ascending tracts
What do dorsal columns sense? Vibration Propriception discriminative touch
Sites of decussation spinothalamic decussation at p.o.e. medulla oblongata
Spinothalamic detection of: Pain/'c/touch/pressure
Lower Motor Neurons Cell bodies w/ big dendritic arborisations Receive a lot of info from descending tracts
Functional components of a spinal nerve: General Sensory Afferent (somatic) General Visceral Afferent (GVA) Sensation from viscera General Visceral Efferent (GVE) Motor to viscera General Somatic Efferent (GSE) Motor to skeletal muscle Spinal nerve
What controls the PNS? The CNS
What controls Autonomous/somatic motor neurons? Somatic + Autonomic motor neurons w/ their cell bodies in the CNS are directly controlled by descending tracts
Descending motor pathway Control over LMN that innervate skeletal muscles Cause non-stereotyped movements Decussation occurs at pyramid of medulla Will synapse w/ motor neurons
Somatotopy Orderly arrangements of the nervous system in relation to the parts of the body
Fasciculus gacilis WM tracts Sensory info from lower half of body below T6
fasciculus cuneates Sensory info from upper half of body above T6
Mammalian brain principles (5) 1. Brains have topographical maps 2. Specific regions tend to have specialised regions 3. More neurons = more integration 4. Neural circuits are plastic 5. Neurogensis confined to specific areas
Associated cortex Cerebral cortex outside of 1' area Communication/memory/plan/thought etc.
Planes Coronal - parallel to face Transverse - parallel to feet Sagittal - L/R hemispheres
Cerebral Hemispheres Gyrus/i - folds on surface Sulcus/i - valleys between gyri
What connects temporal lobes of the brain? Cerebral cortex/anterior commissures
What part of the brain is involved in coordinating motor control? Cerebellum
What are the components of the brainstem? Pons. Olive. Pyramid
Basal ganglia Extrapyramidal motor control
What are the major inputs received from? Cerebral cortex thalamus brainstem
Where are the major outputs sent? Thalamic nuclei Cortex (via thalamus) Brainstem
Thalamus function Relay sensory pathways to cerebral cortex
Roles of hypothalamus Neuroendocrine control - pituitary gland Homeostasis Responds to enviro changes that affect ANS Part of limbic system - Hunger/thirst/libido


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