Planning an event in welsh (Welsh speaking exam)


Phrases and words useful for the Welsh speaking exam where you plan an event.
Freya HM
FlashCards por Freya HM, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Freya HM
Criado por Freya HM quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
I can Galli I
Until Tan
Which day? Pa dydd?
We'll need... Bydd Eisiau...
________ will help. Bydd _____ yn helpu.
________ is better. Mae _____ yn well.
Food and drink. Bwyd a diod.
Entertainment Adloniant
We'll need entertainment. Bydd eisiau adloniant.
Opening Agor
Oriau Hour
What time? Faint o'r gloch?
Might as well. Man a man.
On the other hand Ar y llaw arall
Tickets Tocynnau
Parents Oedolion
Children Plant
Then Wedyn
Location Lleoliad
Service Gwasanaeth
In my opinion ____ will be a good idea Yn fy marn i bydd ____ yn syniad da
I suggest... Dw i'n awgrymu...
The phone number is... Y riff ffôn ydy...
How much does it cost? Faint mae'n gostio?
What about the radio? Beth am y radio?
What about posters? Beth am posteri?
What about holding a concert? Beth am gynnal cyngerdd?
Music Miwsig
Prize Gwobr
Too late Rhy hwyr
Too early Rhy gynnar
Tommorow Yfory


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