Module 1 Learning Theory


Module 1 Part 4 , Learning Theory
Licette  Silva
FlashCards por Licette Silva, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Licette  Silva
Criado por Licette Silva aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

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Learning Theory Resource; Resource: Learning Theory; article by Bob Boakes, McCAughey. Main research: concern nausea-based conditioning in both rats and in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, as well as the history of psychology.
Insight learning Learning involves more than just stimulus responses. It also involves cognition or the processing of knowledge.
4 Stages of insight learning 1. Preparation 2. Incubation 3. Ilumination 4. Verification
Preparation: This involves formulating the problem and gaining information about it.
Incubation: This is when you leave the problem for a while and consider other things. There is a pause in the learner's activity where the learner stops trying to complete the task.
Illumination: This involves insight into the problem. It is often referred to as the 'Ah-ha experience' as the learner is suddenly able to carry out the task following the confident recognition of the solution. It is as if the light bulb is suddenly switched on.
Verification: This is when you test and evaluate possible solutions. If solutions do not work, you may go back to incubation or preparation stages.
Insight Learning or Insight Thinking Kohler placed a banana out of a Chimps reach but gave him two sticks, which the chimp(Sultan) realized could be put together to make a longer stick that could reach the banana. Sultan had a flash of insight which lead him to the solution.
Learning Set Drawing on past experiences to solve new ones. Transferring skills already possessed from subject to subject, using rules and habits.


History of Psychology
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The Biological Approach to Psychology
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Cognitive Psychology - Capacity and encoding
The working memory model
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