

! JayJayLegend23 !
FlashCards por ! JayJayLegend23 !, atualizado more than 1 year ago
! JayJayLegend23 !
Criado por ! JayJayLegend23 ! aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Polytheism The belief in more than one God
Allah The God - affirms that there is only one God.
Akhira life after death.
Mecca City in modern Saudi Arabia where Muhammad lived and received his revelations spiritual centre of the muslim world and focus of the Hajj.
Tribe A group of clans
Clan A group of interrelated families
Bedouin Bedouin was an Arab desert nomad
Caliph The four successors of Muhammad - ’rightly guided’; ‘defenders of the faith’.
Five Pillars Foundation of faith - confessions of faith, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, pilgrimage.
Hadith Recorded traditions which maintain sayings/examples (Sunnah) of Muhammad.
Haram Those things that are forbidden.
Islam ‘Submission’ to the will of God; a further meaning is ‘peace’.
Jurisprudence The process/science of interpreting Qur’an and Hadith to arrive at a correct decision.
Ka'Bah Located in Mecca, Islam’s holiest site; the Qur’an states that it was built by Ibrahim and Ishmael.
Mecca Birthplace of Muhammad-place of sacred pilgrimage for all Muslims.
Ramadan The ninth month of the Muslim calendar when able adults undertake rigorous fasting.
Salat Prayer-five times daily which assists adherents over their whole day in submission to Allah.
Shahada The first Pillar: ‘There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet’.
Shari'a Law that defines the path a Muslim must follow in life.
Sunnah The acts and sayings of the Prophet; source of teaching after the Qur’an.
Sunni ‘Path’- the way of Muhammad; approximately 85% of Muslims are Sunni; accepts all four caliphs.
Shi'ia ‘the party of Ali’; emphasis on suffering; specific system of law; majority of expression in Islam.
Tawaf Circling the Ka’ba during Hajj.
Tawhid There is only one God and only this one God can be worshipped; pivotal belief of Islam.
Ummah The universal community of Islam.
Zakat A tax to provide for the needs of the poor and needy; usually 2.5% of a person’s income.
Ha'ram Forbidden and unlawful: or sinful
Halal Permitted and lawful


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