English Irregular Verbs List


Some common simple past irregular verbs in English
Priscila Vasconcelos
FlashCards por Priscila Vasconcelos, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Priscila Vasconcelos
Criado por Priscila Vasconcelos mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Be Was, were
Become Became
Begin Began
Bend Bent
Bet Bet
Bite Bit
Bleed Bled
Blow Blew
Break Broke
Bring Brought
Build Built
Buy Bought
Catch Caught
Choose Chose
Come Came
Cost Cost
Cut Cut
Deal Dealt
Do Did
Draw Drew
Drink Drank
Drive Drove
Eat Ate
Fall Fell
Feed Fed
Feel Felt
Fight Fought
Find Found
Fly Flew
Forget Forgot
Forgive Forgave
Freeze Froze
Get Got
Give Gave
Go Went
Grow Grew
Have Had
Hear Heard
Hide Hid
Hit Hit
Hold Held
Hurt Hurt
Keep Kept
Know Knew
Lead Led
Leave Left
Lend Lent
Let Let
Lose Lost
Make Made
Mean Meant
Meet Met
Overcome Overcame
Pay Paid
Put Put
Quit Quit
Read Read
Ride Rode
Ring Rang
Rise Rose
Run Ran
Say Said
See Saw
Sell Sold
Send Sent
Set Set
Shake Shook
Shine Shone
Shoot Shot
Show Showed
Shut Shut
Sing Sang
Sink Sank
Sit Sat
Sleep Slept
Slide Slid
Speak Spoke
Spend Spent
Spread Spread
Stand Stood
Steal Stole
Stink Stank
Strike Struck
Swear Swore
Sweep Swept
Swim Swam
Swing Swung
Take Took
Teach Taught
Tell Told
Think Thought
Throw Threw
Understand Understood
Wear Wore
Win Won
Write Wrote


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