Linux LP1 Chapter 4


Ingeniería FlashCards sobre Linux LP1 Chapter 4, criado por Koz . em 10-05-2018.
Koz .
FlashCards por Koz ., atualizado more than 1 year ago
Koz .
Criado por Koz . mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
One key component of the ​bash​ shell is: shell variables
What is a variables name? name that can be assigned a value
Who reads the value of the variables? The shell (and other commands)
Are the variables case sensitive? Yes they are case sensitive
When is a local variable available? In the shell in which it was created
By convention, lowercase characters are for which variable? Local variable
Uppercase characters are used for what variable? environment variable
What does the set command do? display all variables
What is the purpose of the unset command? To delete variables
What does the PATH variable contain? list of directories
When the user types a command and then presses the ​Enter​ key, the ​PATH​ variable does what? Searches for an executable file with the same name
Where does the absolute path specifies a file? Top level directory through all of the sub directories
Where does the relative path specifies a file? In the current directory
If the $PATH variable were to be modify, how would an admin see this? as suspicious activity
Which file customizes the shell when this starts? initialization (or configuration) files
There are two types of initialization files Global and Local
How many users are affected by global initialization files? All users on the system
How many users are affected by local initialization files? specific to an individual user
Where are the global configuration files located at? ​/etc​ directory
Where are the local configuration files located at? user's home directory
When the bash is started as a login shell which file is executed first? /etc/profile​
When ​bash​ is started as an interactive shell, it executes first which file: ~/.bashrc​ file
What type of access do you need to modify the global configuration? Administrative access
What type of files can a user modify? initialization files in their home directory
What is the emacs? Popular Linux editor
By default, how many commands will be stored in the history file? five hundred


Diapositivas de Topología de Redes
Fase 5. Evaluar. Sustentar el diseño de modelo de propagación. MAPA DE RFID
Miller Suárez López
Stiven Ramirez
Construcción de software
Jarumy cecilia Sánchez Hernández
Proceso de Simulación
Jesus Javier
Dibujo de ingeniería
Felipe Granada
Competencias Laborales de un Ingeniero en Diseño de Entretenimiento Digital
Daniel Giraldo
Modelos de Gestión de Inventarios en Cadenas de Abastecimiento
Rubén Darío Martínez Lira
Mapa conceptual "Vientos"
Muñoz Rey Antonio
Ingenieria Social
Diego Gutierrez