Linux LP1 Chapter 5


Ingeniería FlashCards sobre Linux LP1 Chapter 5, criado por Koz . em 11-05-2018.
Koz .
FlashCards por Koz ., atualizado more than 1 year ago
Koz .
Criado por Koz . mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What does the ls command do? list files
What does the "." character represent? current directory
What does the ​"."​ character mean at the beginning of a file or directory file hidden
What does the d mean: d​rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 38 Jul 23 18:43 apt File Type
What is File type d? directory
What is File type -? regular file
What is File type l? symbolic link
What is File type s? socket
What is File type p? pipe
What is File type b? block file
What is File type c? character file
The rwx is the permission to? -rwxr-xr-- Owner Permissions
The r-x is the permission to? -rwxr-xr-- Group Permissions
The r-- is the permission to? -rwxr-xr-- Everyone Else’s Permissions
What does the 1 mean? d​rwxr-xr-x​ 1 Hard link Count, one directory name that links to this file
What does the syslog mean? -rw-r----- 1 ​syslog​ User ​Owner of the file
What does the utmp represent? -rw-rw-r-- 1 root ​utmp​ Group Owner
What does the 1087150​ mean for the file? -rw-r----- 1 syslog adm 1087150​ File Size in bytes
Whatt does the ​Jul 17 03:36 mean? drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 32 ​Jul 17 03:36​ Timestamp, when file's contents were last modified
What does the bootstrap.log mean? -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 47816 Jul 17 03:36 ​bootstrap.log name of the file or directory
How is the ls output sorted as? alphabetically by file name
Why is it good to use the file command before accessing a file? To make sure that it has text
What update can the touch command do apart from creating an empty file? update the modification timestamp
How many timestamps does a file have? 3
What is the command to see all 3 timestamps on a file? stat command
What kinds of permissions do you need to copy a file? execute and read permissions on the file (r-x)
What kinds of permissions do you need to paste a file in a directory? write and execute permission on the directory (-wx)
What does the "~" represent? home directory
What kind of permissions does your home directory always have? write and execute permission(-wx)
What is the use for the mv command? move a file from one pathname to another
What happens to the original file when you use mv command? Original file gets deleted
When moving a file, what kind of permissions do you need on the origin and destination? write and execute permissions (-wx)
What is the use for the rm command? delete files and directories
What kind of permissions do you need to delete a file withing a directory? write and execute permission on the directory
What is the name of the special permission that ​/tmp​ and ​/var/tmp​ directories have? sticky bitset
What type of files can the root user delete? any file in any directory
What does the mkdir do? create a directory
What is the use for the rmdir? remove empty directories


Diapositivas de Topología de Redes
Fase 5. Evaluar. Sustentar el diseño de modelo de propagación. MAPA DE RFID
Miller Suárez López
Stiven Ramirez
Construcción de software
Jarumy cecilia Sánchez Hernández
Proceso de Simulación
Jesus Javier
Dibujo de ingeniería
Felipe Granada
Competencias Laborales de un Ingeniero en Diseño de Entretenimiento Digital
Daniel Giraldo
Modelos de Gestión de Inventarios en Cadenas de Abastecimiento
Rubén Darío Martínez Lira
Mapa conceptual "Vientos"
Muñoz Rey Antonio
Ingenieria Social
Diego Gutierrez