Hindi Lesson 2


Karten zu Lektion 2
Johanna B
FlashCards por Johanna B, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Johanna B
Criado por Johanna B aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
अखबार akhbar newspaper
अध्यापक adhypak teacher
अभी abhi now, at the moment
आज aj today
और aur more, else, other
कागज़ kagaz paper, piece of paper
कितना kitna how much/ many?
किताब kitab book
कृप्या krpaya please (formal)
कैसा kaisa of what kind, what like, how?
कौन kaun who?
क्या kya what?
क्यों kyo why?
क्योंकि kyoki because
खराब kharab bad
खुश khuś happy
गंदा ganda dirty
चप्पल cappal sandal
चिट्ठी citthi letter, note, chirt
छात्र chatr student
छात्र| chatra female student
जवाब javab answer
जूता juta show, pair of shoes
ज़्यादातर zyadatar mostly, most
दिल्ली dilli Dehli
दुबला ; दुबला-पतला dubla, dubla-patla thin, slight of build
धन्यवाद dhanyavad thank you
न na not, is it not so?
नमस्कार namaskar hello, goodbye
नया (नए;नई) naya (nae, nai) new
नाराज naraz angry, displeased
नौ nau nine
पतला patla thin
पर par but
परेशान paresan troubled, upset
पंज panch five
पागल pagal mad, crazy
प्रदूषण pradusan pollution
बहिन bahin sister
बात bat matter, thing
बिलकुल bilkul completely
बिल्कुल नहीं bilkul nahi not at all
बीमार bimar ill
बुरा bura bad
बेटा beta son
बेटी beti daughter
भाई bhai brother
भी bhi also, too
महंगा mahaga expensive
मालूम नहीं malum nahi [I] don't know
मेहरबानी meharbani kindness
मैडम maidam Ma'am
मोटा mota fat, thick
मौसम mausam weather
या ya or
रामायण ramayan Ramayan (epic poem)
लंबा lamba tall, high
विद्यार्थी vidyarthi student
शब्दकोश śabdkoś dictionary
श्री śri mister, lord
श्रीमती śrimati Mrs.
सख़्त sakht strict, severe
सब sab everything, all
सर sar Sir
सवाल saval question
सस्ता sasta cheap
साहिब sahib Mr., Sir
सोमवार somvar Monday
सोलह solah sixteen
हेलो helo Hello
हवा hava air
हाल hal condition, state
हिन्दी hindi Hindi


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