The Great European Powers


A-Levels History (Kaiser to Fuhrer) FlashCards sobre The Great European Powers, criado por elspeth em 21-06-2013.
FlashCards por elspeth, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por elspeth mais de 11 anos atrás

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Vast Size Russia
All-powerful Kaiser and Chancellor Germany
Ruled by a sultan Ottoman Empire
Democratic republic France
Very much a multinational empire Austria-Hungary
Very much the 'sick man of Europe' Ottoman Empire
Dual Monarchy Austria-Hungary
Autocratic Czar Russia
Dominated world trade in 19th century Great Britain
Rapidly losing control of Balkans Ottoman Empire
United through wars 1863-71 Germany
Large empire, largely in Africa France
Ruled for centuries by the Habsburg family Austria-Hungary
Slow economic and population growth France
Rapid, late industrialization 1890s Russia
Early, effective industrial revolution Great Britain
Mostly Slav and Orthodox Russia
Huge empire including India Great Britain
Excluded from Italy and Germany in 1860s Austria-Hungary
Controlled most of the Middle East Ottoman Empire
Dominated by Germans and Hungarians Austria-Hungary
Defeat by Germany and loss of land in 1871 France
Beginning to rival the industrial power of Britain Germany
Powerful Prussian army and Junker class (aristocracy) Germany
Threatened by Russia, Austria and nationalism The Ottoman Empire
Had expanded to the Pacific Ocean Russia
By far the largest navy Great Britain
Long established parliamentary monarchy Great Britain
Began full-scale naval building c. 1900 Germany
Very much the centre of European art and culture France


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