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swc's biology for plants
FlashCards por N P, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por N P mais de 6 anos atrás

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kingdom: prokarya domain: bacteria ploidy: haploid photosynthetic cyanobacteria three types: bacilli, cocci, and spirilla
brown = Div. Phaeophyta red = Div. Rhodophyta green = Div. Chlorophyta
Volvox & Spirogyra (eukaryotic algae) division: chlorophyta (green algae)
common name: moss phylum: Bryophyta ploidy: haploid dominant gen: gametophyte
common name: moss phylum: Bryophyta ploidy: haploid dominant gen: gametophyte structure: antheridium
common name: moss phylum: Bryophyta ploidy: haploid dominant gen: gametophyte structure: archegonium + egg
fern gametophyte (prothallus) phylum: Monilophyta ("fern") ploidy: haploid dominant gen: sporophyte structures: no cuticle (sporophyte char.), prothallus (heart-shaped), rhizoids (filaments analogous to roots; gametophyte char.), and gametangia (dark dots = archegonia/antheridia)
fern gametophyte + sporophyte phylum: Monilophyta ("fern") ploidy: "" + diploid sporophyte dominant gen: sporophyte structures: 2n sporophyte (grows from archegonia) and cuticle
fern sporangia phylum: Monilophyta dominant gen: sporophyte structures: sori (sporangia) with spores (haploid gametophyte generation)
pinus ovulate cone phylum: Coniferophyta ploidy: diploid dominant generation: sporophyte structures: sterile bract (subtends branches), megasporophyll (leaves-"tray"), megasporangium/nucellus ("glass"), megasporocyte -> megagametophyte (eggs), micropyle (opening between integuments), apex (top), sporophyte
pinus pollen cone phylum: Coniferophyta ploidy: diploid dominant generation: sporophyte structures: microsporophyll (scales-leaves), microsporangia (underneath), and contain microspores (4 haploid)
pinus embryo in seed phylum: Coniferophyta ploidy: diploid structures: embryo = baby sporophyte surrounded by seed coat & pollen grain (not in pic - like badly drawn bees)
lillium ovule: megasporocyte stage: first stage of embryonic series phylum: Anthophyta monocot: 6 ovules + 3 carpels structures: integuments (protecting embryo sac), micropyle (opening), and nucellus (surrounding embryo) //nucellus (megasporangium) and one 2n megasporocyte (megaspore mother cell)
lillium ovule: megaspores stage: first 2-celled stage phylum: Anthophyta structures: megasporocyte (2n megaspore mother cell), nucellus (megasporangium; thin outer layer enclosing megaspore), and integuments (= parent sporophyte) //2n megasporocyte undergoes meiosis
lillium ovule: migrating nuclei stage: second 4-nuclei stage phylum: Anthophyta ploidy: haploid structures: megasporangium (nucellus; thin outer layer), integuments (outer layer), nucellus (enclosed megaspore), micropyle //2n megasporocyte undergoes meiosis to form four n megaspores. 3/4 megaspores disintegrate and remaining 1 forms megagametophyte. Nucleus of megagametophyte undergoes mitosis
lillium: mature embryo sac stage: 8 nuclei --> 7 cells structures: central cell (2 nuclei), eggs at pole, represents megagametophyte (haploid) //nucleus of megagametophyte undergoes mitosis 3x to form eight n nuclei. The eight n nuclei develop into seven different cells (one with two polar nuclei = central cell; another = egg cell). Entire thing = embryo sac = mature megagametophyte
lillium: double fertilization stage: double fertilization structures: endosperm (3n - three nuclei converging at center) develops into cotyledons and embryo (2n - two nuclei converging at pole) //one sperm fuses with egg cell => 2n embryo & one sperm fuses with two polar nuclei of central cell => 3n endosperm => cotyledons
lillium: anthers stamen = filament + anthers structures: anther (bone plate structure...), filament (spine thing...), and pollen (1n - represents microgametophyte) in pollen sac //cells in anther develop into 2n microsporocytes (microspore mother cells), which undergo meiosis to make four 2n pollen cells, and develop into the microgametophyte (mature pollen grain) with two sperm cells
how to reduce water loss leaves & stem fusion = reduce S.A. water container = succulent thick cuticle pointing leaves upward/at sun deep roots be an annual light color reduced leaves (small leaves)
california sunflower - thick cuticle
san diego sunflower - thick cuticle //uncommon everywhere but SD
field mustard - leaves point toward sun //grind up to make mustard //same plant as broccoli/cauliflower
lemonade berry - deep roots - upward leaves //berries taste like lemonade
goatnut, Jojoba - upward leaves - rough leaves - thick cuticle //dioecious: F has those nuts!
horehound - deeply incised - bushy - tiny hairs //mint family
broom baccharis - upward leaves - small leaves //native
jumping cholla - highly modified leaves = burrs - succulent - reproduction by fragmentation
spanish dagger - succulent - thick cuticle //agave family
california sagebrush - small leaves - light color
red bush monkey flower - sticky leaves //hummingbird pollinator
california buckwheat - small leaves - upward leaves - dormant in summer (annual) //recognizable pannicle with flat top
black sage - bushy - rough leaves
what makes coastal shade chaparral unique? plants evolution to summer drought (+ winter rain)
ancestral flower characteristics - many parts (indefinite) - spiral / 4 whorls - ovary superior - radial symmetry
derived flower characteristics - few parts (definite) - fused / reduced (1,2,3) whorls - ovary inferior - bilateral symmetry


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