Unit 7-Meeting Individual Needs


FlashCards sobre Unit 7-Meeting Individual Needs, criado por Dearbhail McNult em 30-09-2014.
Dearbhail McNult
FlashCards por Dearbhail McNult, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Dearbhail McNult
Criado por Dearbhail McNult mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Statutory Care/Sector Care services provided by law. Usually provided by public or government-controlled organisations such as NHS trust
Voluntary Care/Sector Care services, provided free of change or for a small fee, by non-profit making organisations
Private Care/Sector Care services, provided to people that are willing and able to pay for them, organisations and individuals practitioners who sell care serves.
Independent Sector A collective term for the private and voluntary sectors
Informal Sector Care provided by relatives and friends on an unpaid basis
Provider Organisation Care Organisation that delivers care services directly to service users
Purchaser Organisation An organisation that commissions or buys care services on behalf of an individual or group of people
Mixed Economy of Care A care system that combines public, private, voluntary & informal sector provision
Internal Market a 'market' that was introduced in the early 1990's to promote competition between statutory and other care providers
Legislation A collective term for laws that are passed by parliment
Statute an act of parliament examples; The children Act 1989, The mental health Act 1983, Human Rights Act 1993
Inter-professional working Team working arrangements where care practitioners with different disciplinary backgrounds work collectively to meet and manage the care needs of a service user or client.
Local Government The local, as apposed to national, level of government
Multi-Agency Working A situation where care practitioners employed by different care organisation 'agencies' collaborate to provide care for a particular individual. Also known as partnership working or inter-professional working.
Primary Care The 'first line' or 'first contact' care usually provided by community-based health care workers, such as GP's or district nurses.
Primary Care Trusts Public Sector organisation that monitor and manage the work of primary care providers in a local area.
Professional Referral A request by one care professional for care services to be provided by another care professional
Self-Referral A direct request by an individual for health care services. Going to see a GP is an example of self-referral.
Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) A body that monitors, inspects and regulates standards of care in the social care sector GB.
Health Care Commission A body that monitors inspects and regulates standards of care in the health care sector.
RQIA monitors, inspects and regulates standards of care in the social care sector.
Care Planning Cycle/Process A multi stage cycle used by care practitioners to produce and implement individualized care plans
Holistic Assessment An assessment that focuses on the 'whole person' rather than on a specific or partial aspect of their functioning.
Mission Statement A formal statement if a care organisations aims or objectives. It sets out the organisations sense of purpose or 'mission'.
Organisational Culture The values, beliefs and assumptions that influence the practices, procedures ways of working and 'atmosphere' of an organisation.
Role The job, task or function that a person has.
Individual Care Care that is planned and delivered to meet the specific needs of an individual.
Accoutabillity Being responsible for someone or for something, being answerable to someone when an incident or an event occurs.
Team-building The process of developing a group of employees into an effective work team.
Audit A process of examining or checking activity or performance against a required standard. An inspection of standards in the workplace.
Clinical Governance The process of improving the quality of care by controlling and improving work systems in a care organisation.
Charters Documents that set out the targets & standards of services that a care organisation seeks to achieve in its work with service users.
National Service Framework Service standards for specific ares of care practice that are defined by government. Care organisations are expected to provide and achieve levels of service delivery that meet these standards.


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