The nature of matter/atomic structre


sol pass - the nature of matter sol pass - HISTORICAL MODELS OF ATOMIC STRUCTURE
Jada Clemons-Smith
FlashCards por Jada Clemons-Smith, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jada Clemons-Smith
Criado por Jada Clemons-Smith mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
When an acid react with a base a ____ is formed acid
pH of 7 is neutral
pH higher than 7 are basic
pH lower than 7 are acidic
pH is a measure of the amount of hydrogen ions
A base is a substance that releases ____ ions (OH-) hydroxide
Acids contain ___ ions (H+) Hydrogen
Matter can be classified as elements,compounds, and mixtures
Matter can exist as ..... a solid, liquid, plasma, or glass
Matter is made up of small particles called... atoms
True or False : Temperature affects the speed of particles true
Matter is anything that has ___ and occupies _____ mass,space
Changes litmus paper red, sour taste,conduct electricity are properties of acids acids
change litmus paper blue,bitter taste, slipperey feeling is properties of base
shape,density,odor,melting point are all examples of _____ properties physical
acidity,reactivity,combustility are all examples of ____ properties chemical
The ___ is the basic building block of matter atom
The atom consists of subatomic particles like protons,neutrons,electron,quark
Size at the atomic level is measured at the nanoscale
Electron cloud model was created by Schrodegneir


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