VL3 Corporate Venturing


FlashCards sobre VL3 Corporate Venturing, criado por Christian Weibel em 23-05-2018.
Christian Weibel
FlashCards por Christian Weibel, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Christian Weibel
Criado por Christian Weibel mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is Corporate Venturing? 1. Generate new business 2. Established organizations invest in or create new businesses
3 Forms of Corporate Venturing 1. Internal CV 2. Cooperative CV 3. External CV
Motives and Goals for CV - Make the corporation more entrepreneurial - Build innovative capabilities - Generate quick financial returns - Learning possibilities - Build new competencies - But: High risk of failure!
Internal CV: Definition A firm stimulates entrepreneurial activity within its boundaries. Building businesses in existing corporations. has to be separated from other ongoing operations!
Motives for ICV Leveraging: Exploit existing corporate competencies in new product or market Learning: To acquire new knowledge and skills that may be useful in existing products or markets
Advantages of ICV - Leads to open-minded creativity - Signaling effect, provides excitement - Competencies can be leveraged - Learning processes are started - Frees team members to think and act entrepreneurially - Refreshs employees - Stimulates new waysof thinking
Disadvantages of ICV - Isolation from corporate mainstream - Failure to obtain resources and support to carry project - Cultural challenge - High risk if much money involved - Break up teams - Distraction from core business - Loss of focus of managers
What means New Venture Group? - Semi-autonomous unit with little formal structure - Own staff and own budget - Development might later be integrated or spun out
Succes Factors of New Venture Groups - Role clarity - Senior governance to access resources - VC-style funding - Independent ventures - Entrepreneurial talent pool
What means External Corporate Venturing? Main motivations for it? Buy in of innovation by acquiring smaller companies No short term financial gain, rather innovation and strategic foresight. When innovation performance is lagging behind.
Advantages of ECV For main corporation: - Knowledge transfer from external sources - Quick to execute - Easier to find than internal innovations - Can be a strategy of business transformation - Highly motivating to the staff involved For acquired firm: - Availability of funding - Enhancement of own reputation - Improvement of operations - Capitalize of corporate resources
Disadvantages of ECV For main corporation: - Risky investment - Lack of complete control - Cultural issues For acquired firm: - Canibalization of parent product - Parent firm maximization - CVC unit may lack crucial expertise
Succes factors of ECV - Commitment of senior management - Consistent with corporate strategy - Effective HR policies - Sufficient financial capital for strategic use - Find the right target
When to choose internal CV? Situation: Creative destruction at work, innovation is needed Firm has skills and capabilities for development of a new invention. Efficiently draw on existing resources possible.
When to choose Joint Ventures? - Uncertainty and learning distance high - Desired invention does not exist yet - Capabilities too distant - Unique learning possible 1+1=3 - All partners send key resources into the collaboration
When to choose External CV? - Current capabilities and needed to pursue entrepreneurial opportunity do not match. - Possible value creation - No cheap deals - Considerable risk and investment - Possibility to keep key people on board
When to do nothing? - Only incremental innovation - Cost reductions - Stable environment


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