Blood Products - Absite


Surgery - Absite Review FlashCards sobre Blood Products - Absite, criado por Jennifer Huber em 30-05-2018.
Jennifer Huber
FlashCards por Jennifer Huber, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jennifer Huber
Criado por Jennifer Huber aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Blood products that don't carry a risk of HIV or hepatitis Albumin and serum globulins
What is donated blood screened for? HIV, HepB, HepC, HTLV, syphilis, West Nile virus
Who do you use CMV negative blood on? use in low-birth weight infants BM transplant patients Other transplant patients
Universal Blood Donor, Blood type Type O, contains no antigens
What type of blood should females of childbearing age receive if need blood products? Rh-negative blood
Bohr Effect on Stored Blood low in 2,3-DPG causing a left shift increased affinity for oxygen
Type and Crossmatch determines ABO compatibility
Type and Screen determines ABO compatibility and looks for preformed Ab's to minor antigens
How much does 1U of pRBC raise Hb and Hct by? 1UpRBC increases Hb by 1 and Hct by 3-5
One 6pack of Platelets should increase platelet count by how much? 50,000
Acute Hemolysis its cause, type of hypersensitivity, symptoms From ABO incompatibility Type II HS Back pain, chills, tachycardia,fever, hemoglobinuria
Effects of acute hemolysis on Haptoglobin, free Hb, unconjugated bilirubin Haptoglobin <50mg/dL Free Hb >5g/dL Increase in unconjugated bilirubin
Treatment for Acute Hemolysis fluids, diuretics, HCO3, pressors
What is delayed hemolysis and what is its treatment? mild jaundice antibody mediated against minor antigens from donor Tx: observe if stable
What is non-immune hemolysis? How to treat? from squeezed blood tx: fluids and diuretics
MC transfusion reaction Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction
Cause of febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction recipient antibody reaction against donor WBC (cytokine release)
Treatment for febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction d/c transfusion + antipyretics (not aspirin) use WBC filters for subsequent transfusions
Cause of urticaria during blood transfusions nonhemolytic recipient antibodies against donor plasma proteins or IgA in an IgA deficient pt
Treatment of Urticaria during blood transfusions benadryl, supportive treatment
Anaphylaxis during blood transfusions symptoms and why it occurs bronchospasm, HoTN, angioedema, urticaria Recipient Abs against donor IgA in IgA deficient patient
Treatment for anaphylaxis Epinephrine, fluids, pressors, steroids, histamine blockers like Benadryl
Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) caused by donor antibodies to recipient's WBCs, clot in pulm capillaries Leads to ARDS in <6hrs MCC of death from transfusions
How does the cold affect blood transfusions? coagulopathy due to slowing of enzyme reactions
How Hypocalcemia affect blood transfusions can cause poor clotting as it is required for clotting cascade Seen with massive transfusions
How Citrate affects blood products binds calcium after transfusion and causes hypocalcemia
Most common bacterial contaminate in blood transfusions GNRs, usually E. coli
Most common blood product source of contamination Platelets, because they are not refrigerated


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