buddhism - all


FlashCards sobre buddhism - all, criado por Alex Guest em 31-05-2018.
Alex Guest
FlashCards por Alex Guest, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alex Guest
Criado por Alex Guest aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is perfect livelihood? doing work that is helpful, not harmful, to other living beings
What is perfect vision? is understanding that life is changing all the time - we can't find happiness in things that change
What is perfect awareness? is always being aware of what you are doing and the consequences for yourself and others
What is perfect medication? helps train the mind, so that you become calm and in control
What is perfect speech? is truthful and avoids gossip and words that are harmful
What is perfect emotion? having the right attiyude to life - showing goodwill to all
What is perfect effort? is practising good thoughts and actions
What is perfect action? is always doing the right thing and showing kindness to all living creatures
name all the of noble 8 fold path perfect- livelihood, Vision, awareness, meditation, speech, emotion, effort, action.
what is the first noble truth? suffering (dukkha) is everywhere, all the time
what is the second noble truth? dukkha is caused by greed and selfishness. People are never happy with what they have
what is the third noble truth? greed and selfishness can be ended and avoided and people can leave dukkha behind
what is the forth noble truth? the way to end greed and selfishness and therefore to accept suffering is to follow the noble eightfold path
what is anicca? nothing lasts forever. everything changes
what is dukkha suffering
what is anatta? having no soul
name all 3 universal truths anicca, dukkha, anatta


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