New Media


general knowledge about new media
Clemens K
FlashCards por Clemens K, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Clemens K
Criado por Clemens K aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
what is new media? => social media => online shopping => online banking => e-mail => online learning platforms => storage clouds => e-books
pros and cons about social media +easy to stay in contact around the world +be up to date +share life experiances and struggles - stalking - cyberbulling - time waste - addiction
signs of social media addiction? - the first thing you do after wake up is to check your smart phone - virtual dates become more important than a real one - the reaction to a joke is "lol" - you use hashtag in normal conversations
pros and cons about online shopping + comfortable + easy to compare products via reviews + search for the best price (geizhals e.g.) - easy to loose the overfew - manipulation with personal advertising - you cannot touch or try the products - no advice by a seller
why is the "Internet Data Security" important to save you and your devices from: - phishing (stealing bank data, account details, personal information...) - malware (trojans, phishing and spyware) - targeted Advertising (manipulating) - hacking (to use your webcam, get the complete control of your device...) - data mining (anlalyzing a huge amount of personal data)
how do you get a protection? via an internet security or anti virus software
pros and cons about e-books compared to regular books + light and small (even with a library on it) + no lights needed + cheaper - no support of lokal shops - radiation - digital dementia (you can't remember things as good as with regular books)


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