Achilles Tendinopathy


Oral exam FlashCards sobre Achilles Tendinopathy, criado por Yvonne Roentgen em 09-06-2018.
Yvonne Roentgen
FlashCards por Yvonne Roentgen, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Yvonne Roentgen
Criado por Yvonne Roentgen aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is it? Painful CHRONIC tendon injury. tendinitis - inflammation. tenosynovitis - inflammation of the sheath (paratenon). tendonosis - no inflammation
What continued Injured area of Achilles has lost normal appearance.
Mechanism or Causes Overloading due to excessive tensile force of tendon with repetitive movements of running and jumping. Rapid increase in intensity and duration of exercise. Repetitive weight-bearing activities. Repetitive microtrauma.
Signs and Symptoms Generalized PAIN, stiffness in Achilles tendon region. Reduced GS-complex flexibility. Pain at beginning of activity. Pain & stiffness in the morning or after sitting. Walking discomfort. Warm, tender and thickening on palpation.
Management or Rehabilitation Slow progression due to tendon. Reduce stress on tendon. Flexibility for heel cord. Strengthening of GS-complex.
Observation, assessment and Tests Observation - generalized pain, stiffness proximal to insertion. Redness and swelling. Tender palpation. Test - Royal London Hospital Test. Painful Arc Sign
Redflags Pain with exercise Incline Running Inflammation Inability to plantar flex foot. Acute onset with significant swelling and bruising.


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