

FlashCards sobre Asepsis, criado por Elizabeth Then em 12-06-2018.
Elizabeth Then
FlashCards por Elizabeth Then, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Then
Criado por Elizabeth Then mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Nosocomial Infection hospital-acquired infection, developed in a hospital environment during a patients stay, or among hospital staff. include fungal, bacterial, aggravated by reduced resistance of individual patients.
Nosocomial infection - risk factors poor state of health, impairing their natural defense mechanisms against bacteria, age, immunodeficiency, or COPD can increase change of resp tract infection invasive devices, intubation tubes, catheters, surgical drains, tracheostomy, all passing through natural defense system, patients treatm itself can leave them vulnerable to infection, immunosuppression, antacid treatments, blood transfusions etc
Nosocomial infections common organisms MRSA, HAP, VRE, Staph aureus, UTI
transmission and precautions 3 main elements for transmission source, susceptible host, means of transmission precautions - risk reduction within elements (chain of infection)
Nosocomial infection prevalence and incidence united states- 10% or 2 billion pts a year are infected France - UTI most common UK - 10% infection rate Australia - 8.4% infection rate, 7000 deaths
asepsis definition and description absence of living pathogenic microorganisms, process of removing pathogenic microorganisms
medical asepsis and surgical asepsis medical asepsis - use of practices aimed at destroying pathological organisms after they leave the body surgical asepsis - exclusion of all microorganisms before they enter an open surgical wound or contaminate a sterile field in surgery
Types of medical asepsis procedure to reduce number of microorganisms - non-touch technique, hand washing, gloves to prevent exposure to body fluid
Types of surgical asepsis procedure to eliminate microorganisms - sterile technique, hand washing, sterile gloves, sterilisation
Indications for surgical aseptic surgical technique procedures requiring intentional perforation of patient skin -administration of injection, insertion of cannula procedure that involve entering sterile body cavities - surgery, pleural tap, LP, suctioning, catheter When the skin integrity is broken - trauma, surgical incision, burn, ulcer/wounds
sterile fields definition and description specified area, such as a tray that is considered free of microorganisms an area around a patient that has been prepared for a procedure, includes team members scrubbed all instruments and sterile supplies within field
Performing aseptic technique preparation- explain procedure to pt offer analgesia, toileting position to ensure privacy and comfort
preparation perform HH prepare dressing trolley collect equipment ensuring all sterile products
procedure perform HH remove outer bandage do not open packets over sterile field add warmed saline wipe top with alcohol wipe


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